Chapter 19: Return to Tempest...

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We flew from Ingrassia and heading straight fast towards tempest, Mom is currently holding Souei by his shoulder while i'm on her back in my slime form.

It was her idea since things could get quite windy. Souei seemed to don't mind anymore after my flight, needless to say he's currently just looking around with his eyes for something suspicious.

the day is getting late, and the sun has started to descend from the horizon. We saw a gigantic blue pyramid with a pink dome inside it from this distance.

"The Barriers..."

"That's the same exact barrier they used on me"

"Yeah, how did you managed to survive?"

"Tough luck, i guess. But... I don't recognize the other one inside the barrier, nevermind we should head to the cave first"


"We need to find Vesta and Gabiru first"


With that we shifted our flight direction and head towards the Sealed Cave.

We arrived at the cave entrance and starts knocking the large door. Seconds later Vesta opened the door followed by Gabiru who seemed concerned.

"Rimuru-sama and Lylas-sama" Vesta said

"Rimuru-sama!!! We really missed you, and when you left something happened to the town and- and- a-"

"Shut it, we need to get inside fast" vesta said knocking the lizard.

Inside the cave we were met by other survivor and adventurers who managed to escape before the barrier completely sealed the town.

They all greeted us by bowing and then Mom told them to continue working. After sometime i sit down and i grow bored quickly so i told mom i'll explore the cave.

I walked through the cave, there are several glowing crystals on the cave's ceilings, this cave is full of mana. Oh right Uncle Veldora was sealed on this cave, still can't believe the strongest being close to a God managed to get trapped here.

Somehow i can hear his sound yelling about "i was too careless at that time!" But thats probably just my imaginations "it isn't!!". As i got deeper into the cave i saw a huge empty area, i guess this is where he was being sealed.

"this place brings me nostalgia"

There goes my imaginations.



"Ca-calm down Ve-Veldora-sama..."

"She keep treating my words as her imaginations!!"

Suddenly a lighting shocks the storm dragon out of nowhere.

⟨⟨The Individual Veldora Tempest has been found out slacking off⟩⟩


⟨⟨as punishment, the Individual Veldora Tempest won't be given access to the host Rimuru Tempest's Memories⟩⟩

"W-Wait, i never neglected my duty! Tell her ifrit!!"

"You reap what you sow"

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