Just the beginning

Start from the beginning

Some time passed before you were done with your work, you parted ways with Draco heading to the classroom that Pansy had turned into a press room for "Hogwarts Helping of Tea" the newspaper Pansy created

"How's it going Pans?" you asked peering over Pansy's shoulder to see what she was writing

Pansy blocked you from view of her typewriter "Hey, Hey, Hey no snooping, this is tomorrow's issue"

"Whatever" you said laughing as you sat in a chair next to her, Pansy had multiple students working on issues of the newspaper for different days of the week, she was scarily efficient but when someone messed up whooh let's just say you would not want to be them

You spent some time with Pansy telling her tea that you've overheard throughout the day, you told her about Harry's first kiss with Parvati, it will now be on the front cover of tomorrow's issue of "Hogwarts Helping of Tea", oops, maybe Harry will think it was just Ron and his big mouth

You stayed for 20 more minutes catching up with Pansy before hugging her and leaving to the quidditch field to watch, Theo, Draco, Harry, and Blaise practice, when you got there you found that Luna and Lena were there as well

"Hey girls" you said sitting down next to them

"Why hello Y/n" Luna said smiling up at you from Lena's lap which she was laying in

"Hey" Lena said side hug hugging you gently

"How are things looking" you said referring to the practice

"So far, Blaise is doing better than Harry who is doing better than Draco who is doing better than Theo"

"I assume there's been some unpleasant exchanges of words, mainly from Draco"

You said laughing as you looked over to find Draco cursing at Blaise "You bloody wanker you fucking broom checked me! I almost had the damn snitch!" Draco's outburst made you laugh even harder with Lena and Luna joining in

"Knock him off his broom Pottah!" Draco yelled at Harry who was closest to Blaise

"See!" You laughed out

"I- I know" Lena laughed out trying to catch a breath

"What are you laughing at Y/l" Draco yelled smiling at you before diving to find the golden snitch

After practice you headed back to Draco's dorm, which you now shared with him, and laid on his bed as he showered, once Draco was out of the shower and dressed he handed you a black box wrapped with gold and emerald ribbon

"What's this?" you said looking up at him with a soft smile

"I bought you something to wear tonight, open it" he urged you

You sat on the bed with the box in your lap carefully untying the bow as Draco sat next to you placing his arm around your lower back

You opened the box to find a beautiful flowy emerald green dress with a slit all the way up one side of it, the dress was made with layers of expensive material and the top was off the shoulder

The dress:

The dress:

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