Are you kidding me

Start from the beginning

"No we're not we're angry but not dads."

While the two argued about whether or not they were dads, Y/n and Midoriya slipped back through the front door.

" Are they always like that?" Midoriya asked holding back a laugh.

Y/n nodded with a smile as they began walking to the mall.

After twenty minutes of walking they finaly reached the mall, well a small building behind the mall.

"I never even knew this place exsisted.", Izuku said in amazement.

Y/n chuckled as she opened the door to the building. A small bell let the owner and workers know there was a customer.

"Hel- Y/N!?", an older lady ran up to Y/n and engulfed her in a hug while Izuku stood beside them very confused. The woman started sniffling and crying a bit, "It has been so long little one...I thought we were never going to see you again."

Y/n pulled away from the hug and looked into the woman's eyes, "A promise is a promise Auntie."

Midoriya's jaw dropped as the woman's gaze turned to him, "W-wait, you're Y/n's aunt?"

"In the ways that count." The woman put simply as she made her way to the green haired boy, "Just let me tell you," She pulled Izuku into a hug as well, "If you hurt her, I'll kill you."

The woman pulled away and smiled as Izuku stood a little worried.

"So what can I get for you guys today?" The pair followed her as she started walking to the back of the store.

"We need some holsters but I wasn't sure what size to get for him so i figured we'd be better off to bring him in to get measured." Y/n finished with a shrug.

Midoriya stepped forward to be right beside Y/n, "Y'know you could have just asked right?"

Y/n laughed and shook her head no, "It's different than clothes."

The lady that Y/n referred to as Auntie tossed a tape measurer used for sewing. "Hold that around your waist for a second."

Y/n chuckled as Midoriya tried to do what the scary lady told him to.

Y/n went back to the front of the store and browsed the many weapons on the wall.

"Long time no see Y/n."

Y/n didn't turn around to see who it was, she could tell from the voice alone, "Not long enough Dabi, I thought I told you I wasn't interested?"

"Ah that's not why I'm here, see Toga lost her knives."

Y/n chuckled knowing that she didn't lose them, but they stabbed into Y/n, and now at her home.

"I hope you know the offer is still up." Dabi said walking toward Y/n.

"And my answer is the same Stitch."

Dabi said nothing else as he left the story frustrated and confused. If this were the old Y/n, she would have said yes as soon as money was involved. Now suddenly she has morals? And a partner? She always had a team by her, but they usually follow Y/n's orders and go with what she says. Now suddenly some human broccoli turns a cold blooded assasin, into what.... a hero? A saint? What was so specail about the stupid kid that changed some one he considered to be a friend to him?

Flash back to 2 years ago

"So all I gotta do is take down some low life hero and I get, the money, the alchohol, and the-"

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