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Finally! You have time to write, but the same thing happens over and over:

You stare at a blank word document page and it stares right back. The curser blinks in a steady, slow rhythm, mocking you. Words have escaped you. Your mind is just as blank as the page before you.

You get angry. You fiddle with your phone, scrolling social media, trying to scrounge up some inspiration.  One hour later your word count is zero and your writing time is up.

"How do they do it?" You mutter grumpily to yourself. "How do other authors consistently publish chapter after chapter of delicious content?"

You briefly wonder if these other authors aren't human, or if they have a team of people writing for them. Maybe they have a magic wand and poof a new chapter appears.

But then you realize they have what you don't. It's not magic. It's not a team of writers. It's not unlimited time.

They have an arsenal of writing weapons always at their fingertips.

Have no fear! You have come to the right place!

Inspiration is fleeting and motivation fades, but plot bunnies are forever.

That awesome ninjago story with some fun jaya elements that you want to write? Now you can. This is your muse.

The jaya discord is a fun place, full of jaya simps who have more ideas than time to write them.

We are opening up our vault to share with you.

You will never be lacking in ideas with this book in your library.

But be warned. Plot bunnies do what plot bunnies do best:

They multiply.

Jaya Plot BunniesWhere stories live. Discover now