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Brina got startled for a brief moment but a smile crossed her lips.

She looked at Louis whose eyes are playing looking at her .

"How can I forget the person who has stolen a kiss from a drunken girl" Brina played along.

Why does his presence calm her heart , almost instantly ?? All that weight, distress and melancholy....they just flew out of the window for a while and all she could feel is the 'real' her....the one who used to be mischievous , jolly and energetic.

Meanwhile, Louis is truly surprised that he couldn't help but smile. He didn't think that she would flirt back.

May be, she likes him too.....

However, even Brina is surprised that she just flirted with someone .

It just slipped out of her tongue even before she could hold it.

 Brina has always been someone who talks very limited...now and even in the past as well. She was not a person who flirts like this....she has always maintained her solemn and formal attitude.

Louis has not only brought her past self but has also invoked some of the new shades in her.

What are her feelings for this man??

She is often losing her self control whenever he is around .

"So, Ms. Parker, you did take my advice seriously then. I am glad that you came here for the interview." Louis said, after a few seconds of looking at each other and wondering what is happening with their hearts and their minds.

"Ofcourse , I took your advice , mister . Who would say no to such a nice suggestion from a kind man?" Brina asked , her voice playful.

Meanwhile, Calvin almost felt like choking his heart out.


Did this woman just address Edward as kind?

"But, honestly , thankyou so much for helping me out. I really needed this job." Brina thanked Louis , smiling sincerely.

"Don't thank me , Ms. Parker. You deserve this job." Louis replied, smiling sincerely.

Calvin grumbled internally and couldn't help but pity himself for being a third wheel whose presence is currently being ignored.

"I hope I get selected" Brina smiled.

"Let's hope for best, Ms. Parker. It will be my honor to work with you" Louis said, making Calvin cough.

However, he controlled it and looked at Louis.


He arranged this interview for this woman here and is acting as if he has nothing to do with it!!

"You are flattering me, you know that, right?" Brina laughed and couldn't help but get surprised again.

How many days has it been since she laughed like this, excluding the day before yesterday , when she was not sober?

What exactly is this man doing to her??

She isn't ready to have another heart break...

"I mean it, Ms. Parker" Louis smiled

Only he knows how much he wants Brina to be around him.

It makes him very happy and peaceful.

And, he couldn't help but wait for many more moments like these...

Later , after chatting for a while and finishing her coffee , Brina bid her farewell and returned back to the interview hall to the waiting hall.

Results will be out anytime soon......

"Where have you been Brina?" Hailey , her new acquaintance , asked slightly worried.

"Went to fetch a coffee. how did it go? Your interview?" Brina asked.

"It's fine. Charlotte is tough to impress and it seems like she holds power among all the panel ." Hailey shared her thoughts.

Luke who just came out from the interview room, wiped away his imaginary sweat and sat beside Brina.

"Yeah! Charlotte is really damn tough, girls" he commented," She almost made me sweat with all those complex hypothetical questions." he sighed.

Listening to her new friends, Brina couldn't help but frowned.

Charlotte was very nice and easy going with her during the interview. But why are these both feeling other way?

"She was fine with me" Brina muttered.

"You might get selected, then." he responded.

"  Man!! I want this job so badly. My family's situation depends on whether I get this job or not. All of them are counting on me" Luke told, as worry marred his face.

It is obvious that he is trying so hard to make both ends meet and by seeing him, both Hailey and Brina felt sad for him.

Getting job these days has really became very difficult.

"You will get selected. You did your best" Brina told, patting his shoulder awkwardly.

"I have high hopes on you, Luke" Hailey cheered him.


On the top floor, Louis and Calvin are looking at the CCTV screens.

"So, should I ask Charlotte to select those two also?" Calvin asked Louis who is exceptionally happy today.

He is in high spirits of his happiness, even humming some random songs.

"Yep." Louis answered shortly, as his eyes lingered on the file while his fingers continually tapped on the table making some melodious rhythm.

"Aren't you worried or insecure that Luke might get your girl?? You have only told that she likes common and simple people with ordinary family background" Calvin asked.

"Luke actually did good in the interview. He has innate management skills and he will be a good choice for company" Charlotte , who just got out from elevator, answered her twin brother.

"We can't disqualify him just because he is being close with Brina" she added, looking at Louis, waiting for him to answer.

He is possessive by nature and she really couldn't even predict what his answer might be.

Thinking for a short while, Louis looked at his friends who are waiting for his answer.

"Charlotte is right. We must be professional while selecting employees, moreover, who are we to decide what Brina wants?? It's her life and we must respect her feelings" Louis concluded.

"Aren't you afraid she might get snatched away by him?" Calvin asked.

"I am sure she won't. Our feelings are mutual and I have the audacity to face a little competition. Moreover, I think we are destined to be with each other" Louis chuckled.

But, are they really destined??

 What are the odds??

Their relationships started with a lie!!





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