Polychrome's Favorite Human

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"I weep so because of my current state. On the land, away from my amazing ballroom, and freezing! I do hope you'll duel me, and I'll be able to keep warm."

Ghost placed his hand on a knife, clutching the handle. "Gladly."

Polychrome's head shot up from its place in her porcelain like hands, her amethyst purple eyes glistening.

"Oh, joy! Now, where shall I start?"

Polychrome stood up, her pendant twinkling with small white flashes of light.

"I shall blind you! Flee, flee, foolish mortals!"

At that moment, Polychrome's pendant flashed, transforming the sunny common room into complete whiteness. After about three seconds, the room returned to normal, and by that time, everyone was bumping into each other, tripping over things, and stomping on other people's hands.

Polychrome didn't stop at this. She kept flashing, making the room flicker off and on with blinding light, until she finally laughed sinisterly, the low and cold voice not befitting her young and fresh complexion.

"I am no innocent girl. I am, a goddess of Sky! I reign over the winds, storms, and the very Sun! You are no match for such power. Surrender, and pay a slightly less painful death!" Another blinding flash, followed by a gust of harsh winds swept through the room, a cold, icy rain showering onto everyone.

"Take me, do whatever you like to me, but spare the others! Please, listen to a human's cry, for once!"


"No!" Ghost screamed, "You can't-- Why do have to be so heroic?"

Toast didn't look at him, answering in a calm tone, "I want to save you."

"Why? Why can't you just be my best friend again, and stop being my father? When did you decide to stop?"

Ghost's question didn't seem to intrigue Toast at all.

"When I swore my life to you."


Polychrome exclaimed happily, reaching a hand out towards Toast.

"I've heard! I've heard! It cannot be undone! You!" Polychrome jabbed her hand at Toast, "You are my hostage. Come, take my hand, and I shall transport you to the Dimension of the Real."

Ghost gasped, racking his mind for a sky dimension. "Real Dimension? What number?" He stamped his foot angrily, "Tell me!"

"The Second, you fool. Now, no more distractions, come here, prisoner."

"No, wait--!"

In a spike of lightning, Toast merely vanished, no special effects, no smoke or mist or anything.

Just vanished.

"Hmph! So? What are you standing around for? Fight."

"Fight who? You just took our friend hostage. Now you want us to Hunger-Games each other just because?" Maloney crossed his arms, grumbling, "Can't we just go home?"

"No! We're not going home without Toast!"

Polychrome threw her two cents in. "Fight me, you round human! Me! Who else?"

Polychrome prepared herself for another flash of blinding light, her pendant trembling slightly as it rose with her weightless body.

"Your last chance! Fight me, and have a chance to live, or die without trying!"

Ghost screamed at Polychrome. He wanted to scream something hurtful, something that will do the least as to make her cringe slightly. Just to make her hurt at least some fraction of how much he was hurting right now. But no words came out, nothing could describe just how angry he was, and all he said was a few lashes of strangled screams and bits and pieces of words that would usually start a sentence.

"Well?" Polychrome folded her arms, picking at her pendant, which was shaking violently. "I'm getting impatient. Do something now or die."

No one moved. No sound or movements were made.

Everyone was giving up.

"Stop." A crackling voice like an old record came from the door. Something was off with it. It sounded like Papa Acachalla, but it couldn't be, since he stayed behind.

"Don't mess with my ugly excuse of a son-in-law-from-another-dimension that kind of isn't really because he and my different dimension daughter aren't married."

Promise (A VenturianTale Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz