1. Cherished thought of childhood

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"Now that is how you do sign language." My father told me. Today was another day of learning how to do American Sign Language. I puffed my breath, now drifting into the stage of boredom.

"Can I go over to Mr. Will's house? You know, to see my friend..." I politely asked him, trying to excuse myself from this boring lesson. Even though he seemed saddened, he let out a puff of knowing breath and turned back to me.

"Of course babygirl." He allowed me, kissing my forehand lovingly. I smiled at him and rushed out of my chair, almost stumbling to the ground in the process. The playful screams and shouts of the children can be heard as they rode their bikes on small ramps. I locked the door dashingly before running across the street to Mr. Will's house. The boys waved up high at me as I safely crossed the street. Running up the steps, I glared up at the small circular window and knew that my friend was home, as the swinging play set indicated otherwise. Before I could knock on the door, it opened suddenly and revealed to be Will but his time, he wasn't worn in his smart work uniform.

"Well hello there, Kiara. He is home! Cmon in!" He greeted me with a welcoming smile. I looked up at him with the same response before entering into their home. I saw Ms Caroline down the hall and decided to greet her respectfully.

"Hi Ms Caroline." I greeted her, rocking back in forth in a playful manner. She shook her head down while chuckling before she responded to me.

"It's okay dear. You can just call me Caroline. Your always welcome." She insured me, rubbing my shoulders.

"How are you and your dad?" She asked me.

"We are managing." I replied, looking through the window at my very own home across the street. Suddenly I heard the musical rhythm of a piano and it made my lips levitate into a smile.

"That must be him!" I said out loud, running towards the musical tune. I rushed into the living room to see Charles, playing the piano tunes which made me simper fondly. Because of my booming footsteps, he paused from playing his adoring instrument and turned to me with a smile.

"Hi, Mr Charles!" I greeted once again, rushing up to him for an embrace. He has such remembrance of my late grandfather and I let those thoughts play a visual in my head as our embrace departed.

"Hello dear! I was just finishing a new tune." He told me. I then heard small hoots traveling from up the attic and downstairs. My curiosity encouraged me to look into the hallway but nobody was in view. I then saw a small ape head pop up from the kitchen wall.

"CAESAR!" I happily yelled out. I let the small chimp run up to me and jump in the most unforeseen places of my body such as on the top of my head where he scrambled my curly afro over my head. He continued to hoot playfully as the three adults of the household began to walk casually into the hall, looking us on in awe.

"Join us honey." Caroline encouraged me as my face was stuck in confusion. Acknowledging this, Will walked up and cleared his throat and landing a hand on my shoulder while Caesar was playing with my hair.

"We were heading down into the Redwoods. Caesar's favorite spot. Would you like to come with us? Afterwards, we can treat you to whatever brings you joy." Will offered me, smiling at the two of us while Caesar agreeably hooted at his offering.

"Yes. I would love too!" I agreed. "Don't get worried. I'll call your dad to ask for his permission." Charles pointed out, seeing the uncertain look on my face. Caesar jumped off of my head and grabbed my hand while I let out joyful giggles. The adults got as many useable valuables as they could before catching up to us.

5 minutes later

"So, your dad allowed for you to be with little Caesar today." Charles informed me, making me beam in relieving excitement. We all hoped into Will's car as Caesar sat on my lap. He's such a cute chimp! I'm so lucky he's my friend, I thought. I switched my eyes behind me to watch the kids still playing in the street as we pulled off.

"Why don't the other kids play with Caesar?" I asked while the small chimp's head turned to look at me. I saw Will's eyes sink down from the car display mirror and knew that his response would be gloomy.

"We had a uh..." Will then paused as Charles chose to continue with the explanation.

"We had an altercation with our neighbor; Hunsiker, a few days back because his daughter seen Caesar in shock." He explained to me, keeping his gaze on a sorrowful Will in the driver's seat.

"Alice? But I thought she wouldn't be scared of apes..." I thought, baffled by my school friend's behavior.

"He tried to strike him with his bat but we came into the scene before anything harsh happened." Charles continued on explaining, peering at Caesar who slumped into my arms with distraught eyes. Suddenly, our travel across the Golden State Bridge transferred into motionless silence.

"They must hate me." Caesar signed, looking up at me while I rubbed his fur.

"Don't say that. They just wasn't able to see the capabilities you have." I comforted him as he nodded his head.

"You can understand sign language?" Caroline asked me, surprised by my understandability of the little chimp's gestures.

"I've been learning how to understand it and even do it since the first grade. My dad is currently still teaching me." I told her, surprising the others.

"What a very smart girl." Will said, simpering at me from the car display mirror which made me simper in return.

"We're here!" Will excited us, parking in the lot. My eyes were amazed and astonished by the luscious greenery of the trees which led into the woods. As we all got out, Caesar halted into the woodsy Redwoods as I turned quickly.

"Caesar! Caesar, wait!" I bowled, pursuing after him.

"Caesar!" Will shouted behind me as we all went after him. Fearfulness began to swallow each part of my small body as I chased after him. When I slowed down to catch my breath, he was out of sight. I hope my friend hasn't gone too far. Please... please tell me you haven't went too far off... I then heard the bristles from the leaves on the ground and saw Caesar laughing cheerfully, exposing his short fangs in his mouth which were still developing.

"Your so silly." I laughed, kicking leaves at him childishly.

"Caesar! Kiara!" Will shouted as his voice grew louder as he got closer. The three adults were relieved to see that we were alright. I looked down at Caesar and saw him looking up at the trees, proceeding to stand on his two feet.

"You can do it buddy." I cheered for him, knowing that he wanted to mount up the tree. Will and the others walked to us, looking down at my smiling face, filled with encouragement and determination. He nodded at me before looking over at Caesar who rotated his small head back over to us.

"Go ahead. Climb." Will clapped at him with guiding eagerness while Charles and Caroline did the same. Caesar took a moment to glance at our insuring faces before he confidently mounted up the tall tree. Will rested his palms on my shoulders as I peered up at him.

"You put a big influence on that little guy." He mentioned, admiring the friendship between me and his adoptive ape son.

"You're the most amazing friend he could ever ask for." He added on, watching his little ape in awe. "Looks like he's see enough. Here he comes." Charles joked as we saw him make his way down the tree. He then jumped down and raced back to hug both me and Will while Caroline and Charles chuckled at our thoughtful interaction.

"Let's say we hit the road and head back home to play cards?" Will suggested, tickling the both of us.

"Yes please!" Caesar signed, jumping up and down hysterically as I giggled. I let Caesar climb on my back as we all made our way back to the car. You put a big influence on that little guy. Those words from Will remained in my mind for what felt like an eternity while we let out laughers during our walk.

Am influence? I thought. Maybe I did put an influence on my friend. An influence that will make him strong and follow the path to shape into a heroic leader.

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