Chapter Six

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The prisoner was brought out in front of the crowd and many let out a gasp.

Enif Prior was one of the bakers in town. He was friends with many, one of the nicest men I had ever met. So why was he being escorted by guards? Every year, Arcanes were murdered for their wrongdoing. It was rare that a simple man without powers was granted access to the death stage. I turned to Father, but there was no confusion in his eyes. Nothing, but the smallest hints of remorse.

"Please," Enif shouted. His voice was gruff from years of smoking. The shackles around his wrists shook with his body. He was directing his words at Father. "I didn't know, Your Majesty. Please, believe me."

If Father heard him, he didn't let on. His eyes were scoping the crowd, watching the reactions of the simple people of the sanction. My hands were fists at my side, the only thing that allowed my face to remain soft.

"Enif Prior, you are convicted for the wrongful secrecy of your powers. For not registering them and joining the Enclave as is the law." The crowd fell silent as the truth was revealed. "Such a crime has gone on for forty years and as such, the only fitting punishment is to prove your worth on the Death Stage. Live, and you are free of the sanction. For good."

"Please, Arlan. We used to be friends. You know me. Think of my family. Of my children."

Father ignored him with ease. Part of me wondered how he did it. Another knew that I would find out the second I was Queen.


The crowd roared back to life. The guard that dragged him out knelt before Enif and unlocked his cuffs. The round man rubbed at his wrists at the small amount of freedom he had gained. His gaze wandered the room as the insults were raining down on him.

"Die, you filthy spec!"


"Mutant scum!"

Still, half of the room was silent. People held their breath. It was hard for a man with years of training to survive the Death Stage. If he spoke the truth, if he really was without knowledge that he had powers, how would he survive this? There was no true fight here. Just a death sentence.

A man walked through the archway at the opposite end that he had come in. He wore Enclave armor, a scimitar wrapped tightly in his hand. His eyes were the most familiar part of him. They glimmered a reflection of the grass itself only ten feet away. Mahlia's brother, Reginald, stood his ground. A blue banner wrapped around his upper arm. I had never known that he was an Arcane, but now that I did I couldn't help wonder what his powers were. Would Enif's be enough to keep himself safe?

Enif was on his knees gazing at the calm demeanor of the man. His body continued to shake. Voices echoed around him, but he was frozen in surprise. Reginald cocked his head to the side.

His baritone of a voice reminded me of the hiss of a snake. "Get up and fight, you coward."

Micah stiffened beside me. His hand removed itself from my back and his comfort was gone. If I were sitting, I would have been at the edge of my seat, watching, waiting.

Electricity sparkled on Enif's fingers. He gazed down in surprise as though this were his first time seeing them. Bolts of lightning coming from within him as though it flowed through his veins and it probably did.

He threw his arm back as he raised himself onto trembling feet. He launched a blast at Reginald, but the fighter had seen it coming. Enif's movements were slow. His aim was terrible. His luck was running thin.

"C'mon, Enif!" The voice coming from the crowd belonged to his wife, Julianna Prior. I couldn't tell from here, but I knew her eyes were desperate. Hope must've flooded her. Her voice distracted him for only a second, but it was enough time for Reginald to strike him with a blow to his cheek.

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