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Three days until the party

I almost forgot about it since so many things were on my mind

Is society another form of containment and that freedom is an illusion--that no matter what we do, we'll be trapped forever one way or another?

And would denying this to be the case just be another form of prison, but the mind?

What of those who accept such confinement? Would it be a foolish attempt at liberation? Even if they do accept it, acknowledging the cell doesn't make them any less free. It might just make them miserable if they weren't already

Also, can animals whisper?

Turns out they can, especially primates

In any case, Wednesday was being quite rude to me. The sky fell into a sour mood, dark and gloomy, Lisa was at work, Mother was also at work, and my best friends were out torturing themselves with tedious travels to foreign lands beyond the sea on a private plane--because they can--and mundane activities. The only good part of their travels was the food they'd get to eat. They called it a "Date" but I beg to differ

Laid down on my couch and bored out of my mind, I listened to the rain softly pitter-patter against the windows and roof as I went through my old messages on my phone. Would it be pathetic to say that I felt rather accomplished receiving two new numbers on my device? I didn't think it was

One was Lisa and the other was Miyeon, the Ex

Rarely do I ever text Lisa, but Miyeon was another story and I was usually the one to initiate it

I've wanted to mess with her, and I did, one is convincing her that I was her long-lost sister. I stopped, of course, but it was hilarious, nonetheless

Scrolling through our past conversation, I stopped at where she told me about her mother. I had asked her why her father had done what he did and ended up in the hospital. I knew it was a touchy subject, but I managed to convince her otherwise. She revealed that her mother had died two years ago in a car accident. That incident was what pushed her loving father to the edge

It came to me that perhaps her death was also the sole reason why she became Lisa's girlfriend to have someone to provide comfort, but I couldn't see why she couldn't have that as friends. Maybe she thought that if she said no, Lisa would leave her, too?

But I wouldn't know that. My mother was alive, after all

Glancing at the latest message, the last thing she sent me was an address a little message that read, "See you on Saturday!" With a smiley face

Her texts were always accompanied by these faces or "Text emojis" as most would say. Emoticons. It was a silly little quirk of hers that I found rather amusing

With a rumbling stomach, I dragged myself to the fridge and ate whatever was there. Then I went to the cabinet for some snacks, but no matter what I ate, I still felt empty. Bored

So I looked around to see what was there to do, but I found nothing. Absolutely nothing

The vacant kitchen and the vacant living room and the vacant door sent an odd feeling crawl down my spine

Desolated. Empty. Barren. Devoided of anything and anyone. The overwhelming space--strained my mind. How odd. Was the house ever this big? This hollow?

And the walls. The walls were blank, unblemished, and lifeless--no pictures, but maybe that was normal. We rarely took any photos, my mother and I, so it'd make sense that there wouldn't be anything around here. Just nothing. No one

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