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Meeting up with old friends is supposed to be one of the happiest moments a person can experience. Sure, it may be a bit awkward at first, but once someone starts making a conversation, it's like every sense of familiarity comes rushing back. Nostalgia bubble up inside and bittersweet memories start to flow through like honey as old friends start catching up with one another. Although things can never be the same as it was due to the lack of communication over the years, it's still nice to know they're still alive

In other cases, it's just plain awkward

The boy spoke up first, looking surprised and his brow scrunching up. "What are you doing here?"

For some reason, this comment seemed to have caused Lisa to snap and she stood up abruptly. "So I'm not allowed to go here now? Why the fuck should I not be here, you backstabbing pieces of shit!"

Okay, so, I found out that the mall we were in was located in Buri Ram and I'm pretty sure Chaeyoung texted me that before I went inside Jisoo's car, but I didn't bother to check it

"You're still upset over that?" The boy said incredulously. He stepped a little back and scratched his head as he looked off to the side with a strange expression, "Look, Lisa, we didn't have a choice. You were being too-"

"Oh, shut up! You assholes didn't even help me explain myself to Mi-"

"Oh, hey, wow. New people" I stood up and everyone's attention was on me. Even some bystanders looked over at us in curiosity. "Nice to meet you, stranger. Lisa's old friends. I don't know. I'm Jennie" I held out my hand for them to shake, but they only stared at me. Bewilderment was planted on their face while Lisa was screaming at me to stop talking to them. When no one shook my hand, I frowned and slowly lowered my arm. I leaned over towards Lisa and put my hand near my mouth like I was going to say something secretly to her even though I made it loud enough for these rude teens to hear. "They do know what a handshake is, right?"

"Who is this?" One of the girls asked. Her milk chocolate brown hair was tied up in a ponytail and she held some sort of bossy atmosphere. Her bold eyes matched her dark brown dress that went just above her knee and wore black high-ankled boots. She was pretty. Like my friends

Lisa glanced at me and she looked back at her former friend with a scowl. "None of your fucking concern, Som" she growled

Som? Shoot, what was her full name again? Gah, whatever, I'll just go with 'SoMo'

SoMo scoffed and crossed her arms, "What a surprise. You're still the same as every, Lis" she turned her head towards me and roamed her eyes all over me with a smirk. "Cute friend"

Oh, she thinks I'm Lisa's friend

"She's not my friend" Lisa snapped, "And stop looking at her like that!"

SoMo clicked her tongue and crossed her arms, "Oh yeah? Then who is she?"

"I'm her roommate" I answered for her. Lisa glared at me and I realized I forgot what I was supposed to say. "I mean her acquaintance"

"Huh, so you've already gotten over Miyeon?" The boy accused, narrowing his eyes at Lisa, "She even has brown hair like her. Are you that obsessed with Miyeon that you'd even be friends with someone who looks like her? Don't you see how messed up that is?"

"You don't know anything!" Lisa snarled, "I had to leave their fucking house so I wouldn't choke Bambam to death! It's not like I knew my mom's friend would have brown fucking hair! Now go away because you assholes have no intention of apologizing to me!"

Bambam. Gee, that sounds familiar. Why does his name sound familiar? Oh right. He's Miyeon's boyfriend. Wait, but why would Bambam be in Lisa's house? Siblings?

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