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She met Miyeon's wide eyes and it was like a spell had suddenly fallen between the two, bewitched with a curse that had them endlessly staring at one another, not a single move made from either of them. They just froze, entranced at each other's presence as if they were of two different worlds and I seem to have been caught in the middle of it

This went on for about, what? Two minutes?

Mother shifted awkwardly in place. Well, uh...I'm just gonna go to my room and dinner is in the fridge. You kids have fun"

Once my mother was gone, Lisa's face instantly hardened. "Miyeon" she gritted

Blinking, Miyeon warily took a glimpse at me and lightly shook her head before composing herself. "Lisa..."

No one said anything for a moment

"What are you doing here?" Lisa finally said with an icy stare

Miyeon shrank under her cold gaze, but admirably kept her place, "I-"

"Does Bambam even know you're here?" She glared. "And how the hell did you find this address?" I watched her fist clench white at her side. "And why did you let her in?" She grumbled, looking at me

"And keep her out in the cold after she came all this way?" Lisa narrowed her eyes

"Bambam does know," Miyeon said, taking Lisa's attention in the process. "He wanted to come with me, but I told him that you probably wouldn't want him here"

"You're damn right I wouldn't" she scowled. "You're still willing him, aren't you"

She blushed, "I am" her eyes wavered and she looked away. "Bambam says he misses you, you know?"

"He can fuck off" Lisa snarled

Interesting. So she doesn't want Lisa back?

Miyeon's eyes refocused on the half-empty,  half-full glass in front of her, sighing. "We found the address you were staying at in his house-your house but I didn't dare to go here until today"

"Well I wished you hadn't" she snapped and Miyeon flinched. "Are you here to apologize? Well, sorry Princess, but that apology was way overdue"

Princess? I could see how that could be an insult. I would much rather be called an Empress

Miyeon stood up from her chair, "Lisa-"

"No!" She yelled, furious. "I just came back from having to relive every shitty thing that happened to me in the past, with you being one of them, so unless you have something better to say to me, consider both of our fucking times wasted and leave!" She stomped off before Miyeon could say something and shut the door of our room with a loud slam, leaving the both of us in the aftermath of her outbursts

Well. That went well

I looked over to Miyeon to see how she was doing and I noticed the dampness around her eyes

"Are you crying?"

"N-No" she sniffed and collapsed onto the chair, sighing. "I should have expected this..."

Seeing the way her head draped down reminded me of a sad puppy

"I'm sorry that your apology hadn't gone as you planned" I tried to sympathize, cocking my head. "You haven't even apologized yet"

She shook her head, "N-No, I...I deserve this. If I'd just been honest with her..." She abruptly paused, realizing who she was talking to. "I should go. Maybe Lisa will forgive me one day..."

"Wait!" She looked at me and I continued, "You're just going to give up like that?"


"Aren't friends supposed to go to the ends of the earth for each other? Why are you giving up?"

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