"I wasn't going to!" Rio yelled, rubbing the back of his head.

"You were thinking about it! It's a natural reflex for you men." I stuck out my tongue at him before making my way into the gorgeous kitchen. I'm in love ... with my apartment. I mean, it doesn't even look like it belongs in this town but it's my style, and it came furnished, huh... oh well!

I set the book down on the counter before turning around to face him, "Alright. What's the catch? and don't say 'oh, there is no catch' because then I'll say 'there is always a catch' and it will be like one of those weird cliche movie moments." I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, no. It's more like bad news, you are kind of renting this from my Alp- damn it, friend" He mumbled before slapping his forehead. He's really bad at this sneaky stuff.

"That's it!" I flung my hands in the air before returning them to my sides. "Spill the beans, you've been hiding something from me for two days now and I've noticed your random mid-sentence pauses mister." I pointed my finger at him.

"It's not polite to point" Rio smirked, lowering my finger with his hand.

"I now know that you are also horrible at changing the subject." I mumbled, very lowly.

"Maybe I am, but even if I did tell you - you, being a human, wouldn't believe me." Rio sighed and moved into the living room.

"Hey! I take that offensive- woah, time out, hold up. Human? If I'm 'The Human' then what the hell are you? a sparkling little fairy?" I sarcastically said.

"No, I'm not Edward Cullen." Rio huffed and rolled his eyes. Ha! that was funny, focus, Syd.

"Then, what?!" I yelled, fustrated.

"Fine! You really want to know?!" Rio got up and stood in front of me.


"Are you sure?" Rio narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh, for God sake's tell me!" I pleaded, Rio exhaled slowly.

"Werewolves are real, I am one. My best friend, Kyle, is the future Alpha of the pack that I belong to, and being his first cousin, I'm the future Beta. There! You happy? Feel free to faint or scream or something!" Rio waved his hands around like a mad man, maybe he was.

"Bahaha! Oh my- Oh my- Haha!" I started dying of laughter. "You got me, you really did." Wouldn't it be awesome if he wasn't joking? So cool.

"I swear to you, I'm not kidding." Rio said in an extremely serious voice that made be stop laughing immediately.

"Y-your not?" I clarified.

"Nope." He said, popping the 'p'

"Well, do you have proof?" I sassed back at him. He smirked and shrugged before the sound of ripping flew into my ears, I heard glass breaking and saw a giant, human sized, wolf sitting on my coffee table.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed in horror, "you killed my coffee table!" I yelled in dispair, "I've only know it for twenty minutes, but it was my favorite!" I yelled, "Holy crapola! You were telling the truth! Why am I not freaking out about a wolf in my living room?! You better not be like a cat and start scratching up my furniture" I yelled suddenly, I didn't feel like I was supposed to be, like in a way this felt natural. He-it- the wolf, growled at my remark.

"Ey! Cujo, who do you think you're growling at? I'll bop you in the nose." I threatened, the wolf rolled his eyes, which looked weird by the way, and suddenly I was looking at the [naked] form of Rio. "My eyes! They burn!" I joked, covering my eyes.

"Ha. Ha. Hilarious." Rio muttered, grabbing a pillow.

"I thought so." I shrugged, "Okay, two things. One, I'll need to burn that pillow now, and two. What the hell? You couldn't have refrained from breaking my favorite table?!" I yelled, grabbing another book and whacking him upside the head again.

"You are a strange woman." Rio laughed.

"Yeah, well, it's better then freaking out and running away like my butt was on fire or fainting like a tree falling in the forest." I looked at anywhere but him, because he was hot and had a six pack, which was awkward, since he was a brother type.

"So, uh, do you plan on running butt naked through the streets? I don't know how you are going to get out of here, um, unseen, in your uh- condition." I cleared my throat and tried not to laugh at the look of horror on his face. "Didn't think this through much, did ya?" I teased.

"Nope. No, I didn't..."

Hope you loved it! Thanks!


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