Justice League Vs Suicide Squad Vol.4

Start from the beginning

Jessica: Simon!

Harley Queen: Uh-Oh.

With all the commotion, Maxwell had taken the opportunity to sneak away, but not before giving a last word.

Maxwell Lord: This is our moment. Remember what you came for!

Johnny Sorrow: Fret not Maxwell Lord. I belive I can thik of a few ways to enterntain our hosts.

Sorrow was directing his hands to his mask, with this he would end all his enemies and end the woman who locked him in that cell. But by surprise, the captain threw his boomerangs at the actor, but they simply went through him, causing him to remove his hands from his mask, Captain Boomerang had saved them all from dying.

Johnny Sorrow: If your a critic of my performance ... I present my support cast. When I was kept in Waller's cell, I wasn't alone. The screams in the dark kept me company. It was the king of tears army demanding to be Free!

With his hands he opened a portal behind him, horrible beasts that had no precedents came out, horrible deformed bodies and parts of their bodies that did not fit and made them even more terrifying.

Everyone began to fight with the monsters, others like Harley prefer to run and leave this to the others.

Superman was attacked and caught in the mouth of one of the largest beasts but with his strength he could easily hold the monster's jaw.

Dav-Vel began to kill multiple beasts with his Super Speed ​​through their bodies easily, he saw that Harley was being chased by 3 small monsters while screaming for help and for pity he went to save her by crushing the three parasites.

Harley Queen: Ha! We make a great team, don't you think?

Dav-Vel: Go help Wonder Woman, and don't get killed.

Harley Queen: Yes Captain!

But this was not the only place in the base that was in danger, the surveillance room that could open all the cells of those who were locked up was in trouble, in the protocol of attacks on the base it was main above all to maintain this room with great protection.

Soldier: Secure the perimeter! We cannot let anyone get to the control room and release the prisoners.

They were sadly cut in half before they could get there, Rustam had arrived before them.

Rustam: Forgive me, my friends. I'm familiar with the loyalty Waller demands. But If we are truly to defend the devil ... it calls more that cutting of her head ... WE MOST OPEN THE GATES OF HELL THEMSELVES!

La cimitarra de Rastam estaba por destruir los controles pero para su sopresa algo para su arma , era una espada , una espada que el muy bien conocia , el consideraba esta espada peligroso y vil. Era la Soultaker.

Rastam: Ahh...The soultaker. You are unknown to me, girl. But I reconize the soultaker blade. Of courde Waller would have something so evil at her employ.

Katana: My names is Katana , you will learn it.

Rastam comenzo a lanzar ataque hacia la portadora del Soultaker pero ella no era cualquiera , cada uno de los ataque ella pudo l bloquearlos y incluso casi le acesta un golpe a rastam pero el Guerrero los evito. Esta era una batalla que cualquier espadachin experimentado desearia ver

Rastam: I was an innocent placed behind Waller's bars...who know how many locked within thse walls can say the same ?

Katana: I have lived among the prisioner of bele reve...and they are some of the wprse souls thr world have to offer. You will not release them!

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