As I got to the homeroom classroom I saw Chad talking to the weird girl who was just talking to me. The girl was holding Chad’s hand and was really close to him. She was whispering something in his ear and he chuckled and she giggled. Ok this was off. 

I walked over to them both and when Chad saw me he let go of the girl’s hand and looked kind of guilty.

“What’s going on here?” I asked 

Chad ran a hand through his hair and the weird girl looked at me. This was kind of awkward.

“Nothing,” Chad said finally answering my question. 

“Weren’t you just talking to me?” I asked the weird girl. 

“I have to go,” the girl said. 

Again this chick was running away from me. What was up with that girl? 

“Do you know her?” I asked. 

“Come on let’s get to homeroom before we’re late,” Chad said taking my hand. 

“Why are you avoiding the question?” I asked. 

“Baby I’m not,” Chad said. 

“Yes you are. Do you have something to hide?” 

“Baby no.” 

“You’re hiding something!” I dropped Chad’s hand and walked into the classroom.

As I got to my seat in homeroom Chad grabbed my arm. “Alyssa I’m not hiding anything baby,” Chad said. 

“Get your hands off me!” I yelled.

Chad dropped my arm and took a step back. “Don’t talk to me until you want to be honest!” I yelled. “Better yet I’ll go talk to that girl myself.” 

I took my seat and Chad sat in front of me but didn’t bother me. But after a minute Chad caved and finally told the truth. 

“Ok I know the girl,” Chad said turning around to face me. 

“How?” I asked. 

“I was with her sister before I was with you. To fully answer your question she is my ex girlfriend’s sister. She just wanted to say hi and she’s a year younger than us. Her sister is already in college.”

“Why didn’t you just say that before instead of acting shady,” I said. 

“Because you should trust me instead of jumping to conclusions. We never had trust issues before so could you stop being so paranoid.” 

“I wasn’t paranoid. Why are you being so mean?”

“I’m not trying to be. I just wish you wouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.” 

Chad was acting so different what was up with him. I hadn’t done anything but asked a question and now he was jumping down my throat for no reason. 

After homeroom I was the first one out of the classroom. I rushed to my locker and got the things I would need for my next class then started walking to my next class. As I was walking to my next class I ran into Jake. 

“Good morning Alyssa,” Jake said.

“Good Morning Mr. Preston.” I said.

“You look nice today.” 

“Thank you, so do you.” 

“This is weird.” 

“Yeah it is. But I’m glad I ran into you because I wanted to ask you about why you called me on Saturday night.”

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)Where stories live. Discover now