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"Alex..." I stammered.

"Yeah?" He sighed.


"Is something wrong?" He asked.


"Speak to me, Kath--"

"I LOVE YOU! I know! We've been best friends for like EVER! But, in that period of forever, I noticed how nice, kind, smart, protective and caring guy you are. I know you wouldn't think of me that way, but I couldn't' keep it in! I LOV--"

He kissed me. I am screaming with joy on the inside. He actually put his soft lips on mine. I feel like I melted into a puddle. He broke off the kiss and smiled. I was so red. I didn't know what to say.

"I love you, too" He quietly said. I am SO ECSTATIC right now. He stared into my eyes so deeply. I kissed him back. I broke it off and we both laughed. I hugged him again. "EEEP! I finally told him! I can't believe he likes me back!!!!!" I thought. I stopped hugging him and pushed back. "What?" he asked. "I am so sorry, I got your tux dirty!" I gasped. "-laughs- It's okay. This was a hand-me-down. I would gladly get rid of this!" He replied. I laughed. "Oh! Right! I forgot!" He said. He took a pink rose out of his pocket and gave it to me. Wait...this is the rose from the flower shop me and Jake went to! "Alex! How did you know I wanted this? It's so expensive!" I said.

"Don't you remember? Last summer, I got a part-time job there. I was at the back while you and Jake were looking at that flower. I saw that you really liked it. Then you and Jake left. After a couple minutes, Jake came back with a piece of paper in his hands. He asked for assistance and I went to the counter. He got shocked. He wanted to buy this flower for you, but they were all out. Because THIS GUY (points at himself) got the last one just for the person I love" He explained. I blushed really hard when he said "Person I love". It just makes me feel fuzzy. "Thank you, Alex. Your the best..." I smiled. He smiled back and then he took out his new handkerchief and wiped my face with it. He stared into my eyes again. I blushed again. "-slap his shoulder- would you stop that?!" I laughed.

"Stop what?" He asked.

"Doing that 'eye' thing to me" I said.

"Ha ha, you mean staring into the eyes of my girlfriend...IF I CAN CALL YOU THAT!!!" He stammared.

"-giggle- it's okay, I'll call you my boyfriend then" I smile.

We both laugh for a moment and then I stand up and start walking back into the gym. He held my hand on the way there. The gym was almost empty. Were we outside for THAT long? I spotted Jake and Kasey from the distance. Alex walked infront of me, defensively. I put my hand on his shoulder and said that "It's okay...". I walked up to Kasey. She looked so upset. I looked at Jake then back at Kasey.

"Kathryn......" Kasey whispered.

"Yes, Kasey?" I answered.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being a bitch. Jake told me everything. I'm such a stupid idiot. I hope you will forgive me." She cried.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself. I know, you really love Jake. You just have to trust him. And....about that 'stealing your best friend' thing....is that how you really felt?" I asked.

"That was so stupid. At kindergarten when I met you, I felt so happy. But once the years flew by, I've noticed that Alex has been hanging out with you more than me. I guess I felt jealous. I feel so selfish. I'm really sorry you two..." She apologized. I looked at Alex and he gave me a nod. I gave Kasey a big hug. She cried alot. I missed hugging her. I let go. She started to wipe her tears. "Ahem...So we got that finished! Alex? Did you finally ask Kathryn Rose out?" She blurted.

"Wait you knew?!" I asked Kasey.

"Of course I knew! Since grade one, he had hearts all over his eyes for you!" Kasey laughed.

"....she's not wrong" Alex confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me then?!" I asked Alex.

"I don't know....I felt like I was going to be turned down. I sort of gave up this year" He explained.

"Really? That's when I started having a thing for you!" I confessed. Me and Alex both laughed.

"This is stabbing me. I didn't get to be in you three's memories" Jake said.

"We can start now! The FEARSOME FOURSOME!" Kasey smiled.

"yeah...no..." Jake, Alex and I laughed.

"Well, me and Jake need to be heading out. See you guys later!" Kasey waved. Me and Alex waved goodbye. Alex stood in front of me, grabbed both of my hands and said "You know, if you haven't ran away like Cinderella, I could've been your prince".

I was puzzled. "W-what do you mean?".

"I was picked for King of Dance! Crazy right!" he exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh!!! That's great!" I exclaimed.

"And you know, Both Queen and King have to do the Spotlight dance" He smiled.


"So would you, Kathryn Rose Westchester have this dance with me?"

"I, Kathryn Rose Westchester would be delighted to have this dance with you, Alexander Ashton Sanders the 2nd." I giggled.

The DJ started to play a slow song for us. I put my arms around his shoulders while he put his arms around my waist. We looked into each others eyes for a long time without talking. Eventually, we bursted into laughter. Alex finally said something.

"You know, I'd never thought this would happen" He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I finally confessed to you" he smiled.

"Yeah I know. It seems so weight-lifting to me" I sighed, happily.

"Speaking of weight lifting" Alex said. He picked me up amd swirled me around.

"AAHHH!!! OH MY GOD!! YOU SCARED ME! PUT ME DOWN!!!" I screamed. I have a huge phobia of heights. Alex knows that! Alex laughed and landed me softly on the ground. I slapped him on the arm,

"Owwww....okay okay! I'm sorry!" He giggled.

"That...-sniff-..Wasn't....Funny...-sniff-" I cried.

"Oh, no, sweetie! I didn't mean to make you cry!" replied Alex, looking worried. He wiped my FAKE tears off my face. Then I sneaked a gentle kiss on his lips. We both smiled.

"Gotcha.." I giggled. We both stared into each other's eyes once again. But this time, I saw fireworks.

"I really love you, Kathryn Rose Westchester" Alex said.

"I do, too..." I smiled.

"You know, the whole school is giving everyone a choice to go to the beach vacation. You, me , Kasey and Jake should all go together!" Alex suggest.

"Yeah! We should!" I exclaimed.

"We should head home" Alex said.

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