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Ugh damn. She gave me a cut with her abnormally sharp and long finger nails. It couldn't stop bleeding. The nurse said to press down a tissue on my face for a while to stop the bleeding. She walked away to get some ice while I sat on the little bed they have in there. I heard running outside the nurse's office door and I saw Alex panting. His eyes widened at the view of me hurt. He walked up to me and said "WHO DID THIS TO YOU? DOES IT REALLY HURT?! DO YOU NEED STICHES?!". I smiled at the fact that he was really concerned about me....it's kinda cute :P. Then Jake started to run into the room and he looked shocked. Alex didn't look quite impressed. Jake ran by my side and held my hand. That made me jump a little and blush at the same time. "I heard what happened! Are you okay? I can't believe Kasey was out of her mind to do that!!!" He explained. Then Alex's face became shocked. " KASEY did this? Why would she do that?!" He questioned. Man...these two need to calm down. "Guys, calm down. I just got a cut on the cheek, that's it. You guys can stop worrying!" I said, trying to calm them down. The nurse walked back with a bag of ice and smiled "Wow, Kathryn! Which one is your boyfriend?". The three of us kinda felt awkward , but I said "They're just my friends, Mrs. Rosella...". She rolled her eyes and smiled. She handed me the bag of ice and went back to her desk. The two dudes still looked awkward. But then Jake spoke up "I think it's best if I leave...". He looked kind of upset. I felt....upset that he was going to leave. But I didn't want to make any mixed emotions with me telling him not to go. So I just let him be. Alex finally spoke up "Don't worry...I'm not gonna leave you...". I blushed like a tomato. Like if you could feel my heart beat now, it would hit you like a sledgehammer (SONG REFERENCE!!!!). I felt his hand hold my hand....he has really warm hands xD. I had to wait there for like 15 minutes then I could leave. By the time I left, it was already Lunch. Me and Alex went to the cafeteria. Today they were giving out Mac n' cheese with a choice of bacon toppings! My favourite. Damn it!!! I forgot my money at my locker. I told Alex that I was going to rush to my locker for money then I turned around and tripped. Someone caught me though. Hello, Jake -.-". He stared into my eyes and so did I. He smirked and picked me up.

"Your lucky I didn't drop you that time!" He smiled.

"Ha ha very funny..." I said, sarcastically.

"Anyway, I heard you didn't have money to buy lunch. I'll buy it for you" he offered.

"Wow.......um, you don't have to. I can just run back to my locker."

"C'mon! Then your going to have to wait at the back of the line! I insist"

"No yo--"

"One Mac n cheese with bacon and a fruit cup with apple juice please!" He ordered.

"Wha!? How did you know my order?!" I asked.

"I know a lot of things, Kathryn Rose. Here, your welcome" he handed me the tray of food, winked at me a left. I felt fuzzy on the inside. He is one womanizer. I looked to my left and I saw Alex with an un-impressed face. We sat down at our usual table at at our lunch. Alex didn't seem to eat much. "Alex? Why aren't you eating?" I asked.

"...oh! I'm not as hungry as I thought" he said.

"What are you SAYING?! This is Mac n cheese with BACON! I can't believe your gonna pass out on this!" I exclaimed. "If your not eating it, I'm eating it".

"Ha ha. You make me laugh, Kathryn" he smiled.
We finished eating our food and we headed to class. I couldn't wait for this class because it was with Alex. This class made me feel safer than my other two classes. I sat down next to Alex. As we listened to Mr. Clarkson, I heard girls in front of us gossiping about me and Jake again. I looked upset and put my head on my table. Alex tapped me and I turned my face around. Alex was doing the same thing....5 cm away from my face. He smiled and sat up straight. I took of my glasses because they were bugging me. I leaned my face to the side and closed my eyes. I need to think about stuff. How can I fix things with Kasey? Why does Kasey think all these bad things about me? Did I make it seem like it? But I'm trying my best to avoid those things. I sighed. I opened my eyes and saw Alex staring at my while blushing. I sat up straight immediately. "Why are you staring at me? Ugh, do I have a uni-brow? Ewwww!!!" I whispered to Alex.

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