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Once I got back to my house, I belly flopped onto my bed. I missed the sweet lavender smell of it. After making bed-angles, I had nothing to do. Alex was busy doing homework and Kasey....is ignoring me. I feel so bored. I already read every single book in my house. And I'm not in the mood for Internet surfing. Suddenly, I heard a message "ting" from my phone. It was from Jake...ugh. How did he get my number anyway?! I looked at the message and it read...

Jake: Hey, Rose. Just saying goodnight and hoping you will feel better ;)

I hate this guy. He is such a player. But, UGH! Why do I even think about him?! He is the reason why me and Kasey don't have contact! I don't reply to the text. But then another text came from him...

Jake: I know you're there. My last message said 'Read at 9:15' so stop trying to ignore me. And...I know what's happening between you and my girlfriend. I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. But...I just want to see you. I love her, but your still my friend. I don't want us to ignore each other. I don't want you to ignore me. I really just want to see you smile.

Damn you Jake. Such a ladies man. But...I don't want to ignore him either. He has nothing to do with this. He just wanted to be my friend. I did too. But never his girlfriend. So I reply...

Kathryn: Okay, you got me. I want to talk to you, too, but Kasey told me to stay away from you. I really want to be best friends with her. I didn't mean to steal Alex away from her. I didn't even know that's how she saw it as! So...I think it's best if you
don't talk to me. Just pretend that I'm not in your life. If you do, I will too :/

I don't know why...but I feel upset. I really don't want him to go through all this trouble. Wait....what am I saying?! Why am I feeling this way?! I don't...LIKE Jake....do I? Ugh, damn it KATHRYN! Don't fall into his evil love trap! Ugh, so much thinking. I think I'll just go to sleep now.

- The Next Day -

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Ugh, I feel miserable. But it's 6:30 so I have to be rushing. After washed up, combed my hair and dressed up. I started to walk to school. I'm having a weird feeling. Like, something is telling me that I shouldn't go to school today. While I was thinking, someone covered my eyes. "What the...?" I stammered.
"Guess who?" The voice said. This was easy because this voice had a British accent in it.

"Hey, Alex" I smiled.

"Hello, Rose. Why do you look upset?" He asked.

"I don't know...I'm having a bad feeling about going to school..."

"Oh....don't worry! I'll be by your side...YOU KNOW...CAUSE YOU COLLAPSED! NOTHING MORE THAN THAT! Eh he he he..."

"Umm....thanks?" I said....weirdly.

Once we stepped inside the school doors, people stared at me. Some people were looking down at their phones, giggling. But mostly staring at me. I was confused. "Why are they staring at me?" I thought. Alex looked at me and I looked at him back in a worried face. We reached our lockers after that. But they were STILL staring at me! I opened up my locker and found a bunch of notes fall out. I read some of them and they said:
"I can't believe you slept with JAKE?!"
"You little slut, you stole her boyfriend!"
"Wow way to go, you little whore"
I started to gasp. "I never slept with him!!!" I thought. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Kasey. "I warned you....-giggle-" she said, evilly. As she said that she showed me a meme that was posted on Facebook that showed Jake holding me, and me saying "screw Kasey, How bout I see you tonight?". I gasped in anger. I looked at her and she gave me an evil snicker. I started to well up in tears. I ran to the bleachers of the football team. I heard Alex yelling my name and chasing after me, but I didn't care. I sat on the bleachers crying, covering my face in total shame. "Why did she have to do this to me?" I whispered to myself. "Do what?" A voice said. I looked up and I saw...ugh. Jake. I gave him a glare and tried walking away, but he grabbed my arm and made me face him. I started crying again. I felt weak all over, so I couldn't help fall into his arms. Why does Kasey hate me so much? I was trying to explain what happened but she would never listen to me! Why would she think all these bad things about me?! I was only trying to be friends with her! Then I felt arms around me...Jake started to comfort me. I buried my face into his chest and cried myself out. Wait...WHAT AM I DOING?! IM CRYING IN THE ARMS OF MY TROUBLE MAKER!!! I quickly jerked away and said "I'm sorry...I have to go" and ran to the courtyard. Then I saw Alex standing there, arms crossed at me. Oh no..,don't tell me he's mad at me also?!
"Alex...are you mad at me" I asked

"....why would you still let him hold you after all the torture he's given you?" Alex said.

"He was the only one there...I couldn't help myself" I explained.

"You know I would be by your side at all times, Kathryn. I'm starting to think you actually have feelings for that....Baboon" he said.

"No, Alex. Please, don't think that. Are you actually going to turn your back at me?" I cried.


"Thank you...your the only person I trust right now."

"I know...but can you be honest? Can you tell me if you have feelings for him?"

"I...I don't know..."
Alex looks down. I really don't want him to be upset with me. It seems like the whole school is against me. He's the only person I really trust right now...and if he does turn his back at me...I started to cry.
"Whoa! Don't cry!" Alex exclaimed. He ran up to me and held my shoulders. He took off my glasses and wiped my tears. My heart started beating really fast. Not because of my crying...I think it's because of....Alex. I think I have feelings for him...he's been there for me ever since kindergarten. I smiled at the fact.
"What are you smiling about?" Alex asked, lifting up my face.

"Um...it's...it's nothing." I stammered and blushed.

"Oh...um...okay?' Alex said.

"Wait...don't we have class?" Alex said.

"CRAP!!! I totally forgot!" I said.

"Ha ha. I'll see you at chemistry!" He says walking away with a smile. Wow, irony. We have chemistry together. Wow....I JUST realized that. Anyway, I headed to my first block of school, lit class. My eyes looked really puffy and my nose looked red. But my glasses kind of conceals those features. As I was sitting down at my table. A person tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a note. I smiled as a reply for "thank you" and he just nodded. I got scared to open the note. What if it was more of those hate notes? I'll just end up crying in front of my class! But, I'm curious. I opened up the slip of paper and it said:

Hey, you alright? You cried a lot and got my shirt wet. We can talk about this later...MISSY :)

Wait...JAKE'S IN MY LIT CLASS?! Ugh, this day just keeps getting worse. I looked back and a couple of tables behind me was Jake chatting with his friends. I looked at him then he sneaked a look and a side grin at me. Ugh, Jake. YOUR KILLING ME! Now I just have to suffer 2 more hours of being in the same room as him.

After Lit class, I had biology with Mr. Keegan. He is such a weird teacher. He tries to use modern day language. He says that ecosystems are "Bae". No Mr. Keegan...just no. Then I remembered that Kasey was I this class with me...great. She normally sits two tables infront of me but she isn't there. Is she ditching school again? No, but I saw her this morning. She finally walked into the class room with a mischievous look on her face, ESPECIALLY when she looked at me. She sat down with her new group of friends at her table. Mr Keegan did the attendance and put on the projector. He was going to show us a diagram of a frogs insides....but instead the picture of me and Jake projected on the screen. Kasey and her group started to giggle and so did the class. I just looked around at the bullies in this class. I couldn't take it anymore and I stood up and yelled...

"Okay, Kasey. You have no right to make fake rumours about me and Jake. I never slept with him, I never stole him from you and I never dated him!!! So can you please stop this bull crap?" I yelled.

The class just stared at me. Kasey snickered and walked up to me. "I know, but I told you that you were warned to stay away from him and I. But you never listened. All your doing is messing up our relationship" she said. I got so mad. "Really? Cause after what you just did, I bet he does even WANT to have a relationship with you!!!" I screamed. The boys did that "OOOOooooh! BURN!" Thing while the girls just stared. Kasey got furious and slapped me across the face. It left a red mark on my face. Mr. Keegan sent Kasey to the principal's office then sent me to the Nurse's office.

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