Cats and Things

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"Wow! This shop looks incredible! And it only took a few weeks to put together?"

"Look at this!"

Harry and Ginny walked through the rows of things, looking at hanging instruments as they examined the shop. "I'm so happy to see you two!" Freya ran over and hugged both of them tightly.

"We promised to show up for the opening," Ginny chuckled, "now tell me about everything here." Freya began to talk about absolutely everything possible, Harry came and leaned against the counter shooting me a smile.

"It's really nicely done," he commented.

"All Freya," I shrugged. "She did absolutely everything without me."

Looking out the grand window, I saw more and more people were crowding the streets, children were pressing their noses to the window as their parents pulled them away.

"She'll do a fantastic job, I know she will," I glanced at my sister and Freya who were standing in the back of the shop, speaking in hushed tones.

"George, there's something I want to ask you," Harry coughed uncomfortably.

I glanced at him, his cheeks were slightly pink and he was averting my gaze as he shifted from side to side, I chuckled, "if it's what I think. You have my blessing. Just don't forget to get Dad's as well."


"Even if you didn't, Ginny wouldn't let that stop you two from running off together," I shrugged.

"—See? They can even sign up for lessons if they'd like and—"

"It's fantastic, Freya," Ginny chuckled as Freya continued to ramble.

Freya was jumping on the balls of her feet as she and Ginny appeared, she took my hand and gave it a small squeeze as the four of us stood around the counter. That's when the bell above the front door rang.

"Mummy look at this!" two boys ran through the door, a tired looking mother trailing after them as they tore through the store. They couldn't have been much older than thirteen.

"What is this shop?" one of the boys asked, he had light brown hair down to his ears and a huge smile on his face as he pointed at the stringed instruments hanging from the ceiling.

"A music shop," Freya called.

"'s so cool!" the other boy said enthusiastically. "Mum, can we get some of these?"

The mother looked apprehensive, biting her lip and glancing around the shop and shifting from foot to foot. "I don't know—"

"There's a special, the records here are buy two for one price and its nothing more than twenty galleons, the CDs might be a bit out there for you, but they have the same special as the albums, I also offer all kinds of players you could imagine," Freya offered.

"Well...we do have a record player at home," the mother mused quietly.

"Please mummy? Please?!" The boys began to plead.

"Alright, pick two then," the mother waved her hand dismissively with a small smile.

The boys ran through the aisles, looking for something enjoyable, I glanced at Freya who was holding her breath as she waited to make the sale. I kissed her cheek as Coal jumped up onto her shoulders where he meowed loudly.

The Only One (George Weasley Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora