(RQ. 49, Part 1) [31] Esteban Ocon

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Requested by PamAndersonFan I hope you like it x

„You smile like an idiot when you're talking to her

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„You smile like an idiot when you're talking to her."

"You did it!"

The biggest smile spread across your face as you hugged Esteban. His helmet didn't make it possible to hug very tight, but you gave him a squeeze. He wrapped his arms around you and tried to hug you as close as possible, too. There was so much happiness at this moment that you didn't ever want it to stop.

"I'm so freaking proud, Este." you said as you loosened from the hug. Even though he was wearing his helmet you could still see the big smile on his face.
"Thank you, Y/N/N."

"And now, from France, with his first-ever Grand Prix victory: Esteban Ocon!"

The Alpine team cheered and applauded as Esteban proudly ran onto the podium. His smile stretched across his face and the pride was clear to see. You applauded as loud as you could and every now and then you couldn't help a "Wohow".

Your heartbeat faster when he received his trophy and lifted it in the air. The team celebrated Esteban and cheered even louder, you as his PR in the middle of it all.

He had done it, Esteban had won the Hungarian Grand Prix!
No one had seen it, fortunately, but you had to quickly wipe a tear from the corner of your eye.

You knew how much he and his family had given so that he could stand here today and be celebrated as the race winner.

The teams had almost finished packing up, it always amazed you how fast the process went every weekend. The interviews were already done, and Esteban had answered more than many questions, each with a proud grin on his face.

"So, does it feel like you always thought it would?" you asked him on the way back to the Alpine Motorhome. You hadn't had much time to talk yet. Between the many interviews, which were, even more, today, there was only so much time to tell Esteban where you needed to go next.

"Better." he grinned at you.
"It's-it's indescribable standing up there as the winner." he said with a dreamy expression on his face. You looked up at him as you walked, and a grin formed on your lips. Esteban wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him. He didn't take his arm away the whole way from the paddock to the motorhome.

Just before you got there, you stopped. That made Esteban stop too because he still had his arm around your shoulder. "What is it?" he asked with slightly raised eyebrows.

You grabbed his arm and looked at him. "I'm so proud of you."

All this time you had been debating whether to congratulate him again or not, but so far there had just been too many people around you. Now was the perfect, and probably only, time. As soon as you reached the motorhome, Esteban wouldn't have a spare minute.

You tightly wrapped your arms around his body and buried your head in his chest. Without wasting a second, Esteban also wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. He smelled wonderful, not a bit like sweat or champagne anymore. Instead, there was a smell of male shower gel and perfume on his clothes and skin.

You could lose yourself in it every time. It was as if his smell soothed you from the stress of a race weekend and all that was on your shoulders. It was like he was a safe place.

"Thank you." he whispered at your roots and placed a kiss on your hair.

Goosebumps came over you and you felt warm.

Unfortunately, the moment couldn't last long. Neither you nor Esteban wanted to let go of this moment, but he was already impatiently awaited by his team.

"Let yourself be celebrated, and don't leave anything out. You're a Grand Prix winner." you winked as you reached the hospitality area. He looked down at you and smiled as the doors opened.
Loud cheers could be heard and Esteban was surrounded on all sides before he could answer you.

You looked after him with a grin and then joined your friends from the team to celebrate the man for whom your heart always beat a beat faster.

When everyone had found their little group to talk to, drinking and laughing, Fernando came up to Esteban.

"Hey, winner boy." Fernando said as he came up to him. Esteban had been in his thoughts, so he hadn't even noticed him. Or maybe it was the sight of you he had been absorbed in rather than his thoughts.

"Hey, mate." he grinned at Fernando, receiving a friendly pat on the back. The two had already exchanged congratulations with each other after the race and also after the press conference.

Despite Fernando, Esteban couldn't quite let go of you and looked over at you unnoticeably. The way you stood there, one drink in your hand, the other gesticulating, while you talked and laughed with your colleagues, triggered something in Esteban. Something that sent a pleasant shiver down his spine.

Fernando followed his gaze. Because he was anything but discreet, even if Esteban thought he was.

Fernando smiled when he saw where Esteban's gaze was going. He put his hand on his shoulder,
"You know, you smile like an idiot when you're talking to her." he said with a small grin on his face.

"What? No, I-" Esteban tried to defend himself, to no avail.
"Boy, I'm much older, but I'm not blind." Fernando laughed and put his arm around Esteban's shoulder.
"You should have seen yourselves when you two came in. If I hadn't known better, I would have said you two were dating."

At these words, Esteban desperately hoped he wasn't blushing.
Fernando continued talking as they both looked over at you. "Go to her." he said.

Esteban looked at him, confused.
"You think so? I don't want to bother her..." he asked hesitantly.
Again Fernando had to laugh, but it sounded fatherly, not mean.

"You really haven't noticed the way you two look at each other, have you? Go to her." he repeated, looking encouragingly at Esteban. Fernando gave him a slight push and shoved him in your direction.

It was this one push Esteban had needed.

It was this one push Esteban had needed

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