(RQ. 7) [5] Sebastian Vettel

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Requested by Evie_broad I hope you like it x 

P.O.V.: You're Sebastian's daughter 

Mein Schatz = my darling

Mein Engel: my angel

"You could've died, you know

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"You could've died, you know..." 

It was race day and you and your Dad had already been at the track for a few hours. You were racing in Formula 3. As the only girl.

When you entered the paddock, the photographers were already waiting for you. Everyone knew who you were, yet normally there were never as many reporters or photographers. But the news that Sebastian Vettel was accompanying his daughter to a race quickly spread and everyone was waiting for your arrival.

They were practically on your heels but Sebastian always managed to get away from them somehow. Back when you used to accompany him to his races, when you were little, it was like a playing a game. Escape the paparazzi. Most of the time he would give you a piggyback ride and zigzag between the trucks until you escaped them all or arrived at the hospitality. You always had to giggle when you hid between the trucks and even now, when Seb gave you a cheeky grin, you had to giggle. You knew exactly what that meant.


You were already sitting in your car putting on your gloves. Sebastian leaned over and knocked on your helmet three times. You smiled at him, and he winked at you with a grin. "Show them what you've got" he motivated you before everyone had to leave the starting grid.

"What is he doing?!" you shouted in anger as Arthur drove way too close to you and hit you. It spun you around, and you immediately lost your front wing, which meant you had no downforce and no chance of getting back on track. The car went straight into the barrier, and you took your hands off the wheel at the last moment. Then for a while nothing happened.

It was uneasy in the garage. The radio connection didn't work. "Y/N?" your race engineer kept asking, but got no answer. They began to think you were seriously hurt.

Everyone stood there in shock as nothing happened for a few seconds. You tried to unbuckle, but something had shifted, and it took you longer to pull yourself up. Meanwhile, Sebastian ran to you as his heart was beating rapidly. The safety car was already out, while the marshals were at your car. Some of them helped you out while a doctor came to you and asked about your well-being.

Your mood was at its lowest. The race wasn't going badly, but then something like this had to happen. You just quickly assured her that you were fine and went towards the car that would take you back to the garage. Only then did you see your Dad.

Sebastian had just arrived at the spot and looked incredibly worried.
"Are you hurt?" he asked immediately and pulled you into his arms. "Dad." you demanded, slightly annoyed.
"The crash wasn't just a failed gearbox, Y/N/N. You could've died, you know..." Sebastian said and his concern for you was audible in this sentence.

You pushed away from him and you didn't take off your helmet either.
"I'm fine." you said monotonously. 


After the race, when things had calmed down again, Frederik came to you. He was more or less your best friend in Formula 3 and that was also because he just liked you for who you were. Not because your last name was Vettel. 

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, taking your shoulders in his hands when you wouldn't look at him. "Yes." you just mumbled. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you intensely. "What is it then?".

"I'm not some weak little girl. If I was a boy, no one would be so shocked about the crash." you said a little angrily.
He let go of your shoulders and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Not a single one of us thinks you're weak, Y/N. And it would have definitely been the same if you were a boy, don't be silly." Frederik began. "You didn't see the crash, did you? It was terrifying." he said and shook his head.


When you came back to your garage, Sebastian was already waiting for you. He didn't try to hug you again, but this time you pressed your head against his chest and wrapped your arms around your Dad. "I'm sorry." you mumbled against his jacket. "About what?" he asked, caring.

Seb stroked your hair as he always did, ever since you were little. "Because I was so stubborn earlier. I overreacted. They-" you started, but it took you a little courage to share your thoughts with your Dad. "I don't want them to think I'm a fragile little girl.". 

"It's okay, mein Schatz." He pushed you back a little and looked at you smiling, "as long as your safe and nothing is hurting, none of that matters. It's clear that you feel like you have to prove yourself amongst all the boys. But you must never forget who you are and what you are capable of." he said with an uplifting smile. "It's not about your gender, it's about your skill, the rest doesn't matter." he said, encouraging you.

A small smile spread across your face. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and hugged you again. "I love you, Papa." you whispered, and he gave you a squeeze
"I love you too, mein Engel.".



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