(RQ) [4] Lando Norris

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Requested by anonymous I hope you like it x 

Y/Bf = Your best friend ; Y/Bf/N/N = Your best friend's nickname

Y/Bf/BF = Your best friend's boyfriend

"Oh my god! I know right? He is literally so hot!"

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"Oh my god! I know right? He is literally so hot!"

You and Lando had been together for a long time now, definitely more than three years, and even though you weren't married, everyone called you that. Because you sure acted like a married couple, even if you both wouldn't notice it.

Lando was streaming today, and you decided to watch a movie until he had finished. Zapping through the TV you decided on a movie with Tom Holland. He was one of your favourite actors, and you didn't ever make a secret out of it.

You've watched about half of the movie as your phone started ringing. When you looked at the caller ID you saw it was your best friend. Quickly you paused the movie before you answered the call.

"Hey broski, what's up?" You greeted her, using one of the many nicknames you two created over the years.

"Heyy, uhm I'm looking for my charger. I'm sure I packed it when I left, but I can't find it anywhere. Could you please check if it's still at your place?"

"Sure, wait. I'll go and have a look." You pushed aside the blanket you had snuggled into.

"What are you up to?" Y/Bf asked.

"I'm watching a movie. With Tom Holland." You answered her, and she could already hear your grin through the phone.

"Ahh which one?" She almost started to squeal. You had to laugh, and she joined in before you answered her.

"He looks so good in that one!" She squeaked.

"He does! And have you seen the part where he-"

"-Where he undresses, and you can see his abs? Ugh, Y/N. Dear lord, he looked goood." she fangirled with you.A laugh escaped you as she finished your sentence.

When you passed Lando's room, you forgot to be quiet and just went on with the fangirling, "Oh my god! I know right? He's literally so hot!" you squeaked back into the phone and giggled.

Lando's door was open, which was why he had heard everything. He had been in the middle of playing a game, but his head shot up in the direction of your voice by reflex.

As Lando saw you entering your shared bedroom he quickly paused the game.

"Wait Chat..." he said and stood up from his chair, putting his headset down.

"Who is hot?" he shouted after you as he left his gaming room to follow you into the bedroom.

"I can't find your char- Ah never mind, here it is." Picking up Y/BF's charger, you could hear a groan from her.

"Ugh, Y/Bf/BF knew it. I hate it when he's right."

You laughed at her sentence, "He just knows you, Y/Bf/N/N. To be honest, I was surprised you didn't miss something earlier."

Y/Bf had been staying at your and Lando's house a few days ago. And everyone who knew her just a bit knows how easily she could lose or forget her things.

"Yeah, anyway." she wanted to distract from the fact that her boyfriend was right again, "I'll just pick it up when it's convenient for you."

"Sure, if no one's home, you know where the key is. Lando doesn't mind either."

"Great, thanks."

You said goodbye before you heard Lando's voice.

"Who's hot?"

He came into the bedroom and leaned in the doorway curiously. His arm muscles tightened a little as he did so and you had to pull yourself together not to drool. How lucky you were to be able to call this guy your boyfriend.

Lando was still looking at you questioningly. "Tom Holland." you giggled. You took a few steps towards him and slung your hands around his hips. He looked down at you and pulled you tightly against him.

As you grinned up at him, you could already see that look. Jealousy, only slightly but noticeable nonetheless. Which made you giggle even more. You loved to annoy him by fangirling over Tom Holland, just for fun.

"I'm only halfway through the movie, you can watch it with me together if you want." Grinning at him, you went up on your toes and brought your lips close to his. Lando's eyelids were only halfway open as you gently brushed them against his lips.

"I think I will." He whispered, which you could feel on your lips. You pressed a kiss to his lips and released your hands from him.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." He said as you were about to walk out of the room. But Lando grabbed your hand, spun you around and kissed you again. You squealed because you hadn't expected that. With a grin, he broke away from you and winked,
"No matter how good-looking Tom Holland may be, I bet he isn't as good of a kisser as I am."

Lando said this with so much confidence you had to chuckle. "Yeah, I would doubt that too." You grinned at him before heading downstairs. "I'll be waiting on the couch!"

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