(RQ. 54) [47] Mick Schumacher

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Requested by _sweetsilence19_ I hope you like it x

Requested by _sweetsilence19_ I hope you like it x

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

„Let's have a baby."

"You ready, babe?" Mick shouted across the motorhome. "Coming!" you shouted back. You had just been talking to Joe and turned back to him as you said goodbye and jogged over to Mick, took his hand in yours and gave him a smile. 

"Ready?" he asked. "Ready."

You watched FP2 from Mick's garage. When he had finished practice and talking to his mechanics, he came up to you, still in his race suit. Mick interlaced his hand with yours and lightly stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.

"How do you feel?" you asked, looking into Mick's eyes.
"Uh, it was okay, obviously we could always do better, but I think that's okay for now." Mick answered while the two of you walked out of the garage.
He never let go of your hand, no mater where you were going, and so he did this time too. You listened to him with interest as he spoke. "I think it looked good, you're one of the best in my opinion, whatever place."

Mick grinned at you and squeezed your hand.
"That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with me being your boyfriend, would it?"

Shocked, you looked at him, but couldn't keep your face straight for long. You gave in and had to grin as well.
"Not a chance."
You both giggled as Mick shook his head.

You came back to the Haas Motorhome and Mick's PR was already waiting for you. You greeted each other and went to one of the reporters together. Peter Hardenacke, a reporter for Sky Sports Germany, greeted you with a friendly smile.

Mick still held your hand tightly, but you gently stroked his with your finger. Mick loosened his grip on your hand, albeit reluctantly, and you smiled at him, walking behind the cameras.

It was like a routine. When Mick gave an interview, you didn't go straight back to the motorhome, but waited behind the cameras until he had finished.

"Y/N!" You heard your name being shouted by one of the Haas girls. You turned in her direction and she gestured with her hand. You quickly jogged to her so as not to interrupt Mick's interview. You had tried to stay out of the picture as best as you could, but she was standing by the Haas trucks, so you could still be seen.

And the fact that Mick turned around to you to see where you were going, didn't let it go unseen either.

He turned back to Peter and quickly apologized for his brief inattentive moment.
"Oh, that's no problem. I was just thinking of a question I wanted to ask you."
Mick raised his eyebrows curiously, as if to say 'Shoot'.

"A few, oh what am I talking about, really a lot of your fans are wondering how you're doing with family planning at the moment?" Peter asked with a laugh.
Mick and you had been together for a couple of years now, and some fans were eagerly awaiting the announcement that you were pregnant and a little Schumacher baby was on the way.

Mick's mouth twisted into a slight grin, and he looked at the ground for a moment.
"Uhh, that's a good question." he laughed and then continued, "No, but I don't want to talk too much about my personal life here of course, I'm here to race. But what I can say is that everything is going really well, we'll see what time brings."

"Thanks, Mick." Peter thanked him, ending the interview to pass on to his colleagues. At that moment you returned, walking on the side so as not to be in the picture again.

The camera went off and Mick almost unnoticeably put his hand out in your direction. You walked up to the two of them and, just as unnoticeably as Mick had gestured, slipped your fingers in between his large hand, which immediately gave you an indescribable feeling of comfort.

Peter had seen this small, almost unnoticeable gesture and tried to suppress a smile. It was really something heart-warming to see how much you loved each other, and how much respect and appreciation could be contained in such a small gesture.

You talked to Peter for a while before Mick's PR looked up from his phone and said it was time to go. You said goodbye, and before you left, Peter said something to Mick in German, whereupon Mick laughed and thanked him. You didn't know much German yet, just a few basics, but Peter used words you didn't know unless you had a hint. The two of them were saying goodbye for real now, and you waved to him with a smile as you went on your way, Mick right by your side.

"What did he tell you?" you asked curiously as you both walked towards the motorhome. Mick looked at you and smiled, "He told me to take good care of you because you're one in a million, and I won't be this lucky again." he grinned as he finished the sentence.

You looked at him in slight disbelief. "Really?" you asked, touched.
Mick nodded with a smile and bent down to quickly place a kiss on your lips.

For the rest of the day, Mick couldn't let go of the question Peter had asked him in the interview.
A family. You, him and a baby, a baby who would call you mummy and him daddy. Mick loved the idea so much, and every time he thought about it, his chest filled with warmth.
The thought of having a child with you, holding it in his arms, raising it together with you.

That evening, it was already getting quite late, the two of you were lying on your hotel bed. Your head was resting on Mick's chest, and you were gently stroking up and down with your hand. Mick had his hand in your hair, and so you laid there looking at the beautiful view through the big hotel windows.

It was actually very quiet, and you could only hear each other's steady breathing.

Until Mick broke the silence.

"Let's have a baby."

You propped yourself up on your elbow, perplexed, and looked at him. His hand moved from your hair to your back, and he looked at you almost a little uncertainly. "What?" you asked in disbelief as a grin crept onto your lips.

You had never really talked about it, but Mick knew you two didn't really have to. You always wanted kids, he knew you wanted to have kids with him.

"Let's have a baby. A little you or me. Ever since Peter asked me as a joke how our family planning is going, I couldn't stop thinking about it and-"

"What are you doing?" Mick asked confused, as you climbed on his lap. You tilted your head and looked at him, as if to say, "What do you think, idiot?".

"Having a baby." you said in a duh tone, and his eyes widened as a grin crossed his lips. Mick put his hands on your back to pull you closer to him, while you could only giggle at his reaction.
You loved this man more than anything in your life.

You loved this man more than anything in your life

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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