(RQ. 6, 19, 36) [4] Lando Norris

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Request by landosfineline I hope you like it x

Y/BF/N = Your best friends name

BF/F/N = Best friend's guy friend name

BF/F/N = Best friend's guy friend name

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"Kiss me you twat." "Are you jealous?" "I have a feeling we should kiss."

The sun was shining, and you took off the light jacket you had on over your top. This week the race was in Spain and you were accompanying Lando. What was, positively, different about this weekend though was that your best friend was there too. She and a few of her guy friends had bought tickets for the race.

Lando had wanted to give her a pass, so she didn't have to spend so much money on tickets, but she insisted on buying her own.

You had arranged a meeting point with her during the qualifying. The pass Lando had given you allowed you to go anywhere, so you could join her. You were on your way now, past the motor homes and hospitalities, towards the grandstands.

You didn't know all her friends yet, you believed she had said there were five in total. Two of them you should know or at least have seen before, but it was never a bad thing to meet new people, was it?

"Y/N!" she shouted to you from far away over the crowd. Happy to have found her so quickly, you smiled and waved to her before making your way through the people. "Hey." you greeted her excitedly, and you fell into each other's arms.

"Oh I missed you, Y/N/N." she mumbled into the hug. You giggled and returned it, "I missed you too.".
When you broke away from the hug, she introduced you to the others. "I've already told them a bit about you." she admitted smiling, "But not too much, of course." she quickly added.

Laughing, you turned to the boys and introduced yourself. "I'm Y/N." you said with a smile, and they introduced themselves one by one.
One of the boys looked at you more intensely than the other four, but you didn't notice, because now the first cars were passing the grandstand.
The boys were really nice, and it didn't feel like you had just met them.

Lando had made it into Q3 and a few of the teams were already out, including McLaren.

"So, you like motorsports?" one of the boys asked you just when you turned your attention back on the track after talking to Y/BF/N. You looked at him as he sat down next to you, so you could hear each other better. Y/BF/N was already laughing quietly as she watched the scene.

"Yeah. Ever since I was little." you answered him. He moved a little closer, almost unnoticeably, and you shot a look in his direction. You looked at him a little sceptically, by no means feeling harassed, you just wanted to know what he was trying to do.

When you decided it wasn't important, you looked back at the track where Daniel had just passed. He had finished his first lap and was now on the second. Surely Lando should be coming soon now. You couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"And... do you have a boyfriend?" he asked. It sounded almost a little shy, and yet he was obviously flirting.
"Yes, he should be driving by any minute." you smiled.

As if he heard you, Lando drove past the grandstand at that very moment, and you had to chuckle when you saw BF/F/N's expression. His confusion was clear to see, and he looked at your best friend in question. You looked at her too, and she laughed with you. You were too familiar with this.

"Lando Norris." you said as you looked at him again, still chuckling a bit. "He's my boyfriend."
You could hear Y/BF/N laughing as you focussed your attention back on the track. He quickly took his phone out of his pocket and typed Lando's name into Google. "Lando Norris, did I get that right? The racing driver, Lando Norris. Currently 3rd in the world championship. That Lando Norris?" he asked, confused.

"Yes." you laughed and looked at him for a moment. Lando had just driven a Formula One car in front of him, so who should you be referring to? Still, it was amusing.

He scratched his neck and breathed out heavily. His amazed stare at his phone was everything it needed for Y/BF/N to burst out laughing.
After qualifying, Y/BF/N and the guys walked with you towards the paddock. The boys left earlier and Y/BF/N accompanied you until she wasn't allowed to go any further.

Lando and you had agreed to meet there after he was done with everything. You stood on one side of the waist-high barrier and Y/BF/N on the other. She leaned on it with her arms until she stood up and waved to someone behind you. As you turned you saw Lando coming towards you.

"Hey, Y/BF/N. How are you?" he greeted your friend and hugged your waist. He didn't have the slightest problem showing all his affection for you in front of her, so he didn't hold back at all. "Hey, baby." he whispered as he gave you a soft kiss on the cheek. "Hey." you whispered back with a smile.

"Great, thanks. How are you?" she asked, and you started to talk a bit.
"Oh and BF/F/N was also blown away by Y/N." Y/BF/N laughed when she was done talking.

"BF/F/N?" Lando asked tensely.
"Just one of my friends, he's harmless, and he was pretty blown away when Y/N mentioned you. No worries." she was still laughing. You had to giggle too as you remembered the situation from earlier.
You talked a little more until Y/BF/N got a call from the guys waiting for her at the car. You exchanged goodbyes, and she walked off in the opposite direction.

Lando's hand was intertwined with yours as you walked towards the McLaren Hospitality together.
"So, was this BF/F/N guy nice?" Lando asked with a strange undertone. You looked up at him in surprise and just shrugged your shoulders, unconcerned. "Yeah, sure."

For a while you walked on in a comfortable silence with your hands intertwined, until Lando asked again,
"So what else did you guys talk about?".
He tried to sound like he was only casually interested, but you could feel him almost racking his mind about it.

You stopped, but didn't let go of his hand. "Are you jealous?" You grinned at him. "What? No."
"Sure." you giggled, playing with his fingertips.
"He stopped flirting as soon as I told him I had a boyfriend." you explained again. However, a grin came back to your face. "You know, right when I told him I was taken, you drove past us. As if you had a feeling."

Lando had to grin at your last sentence. He had detached himself from your hand and was now gently running his hands up and down your back.
"Really?" he grinned.
"I happen to have another feeling."

"Oh really, and what's that?" you grinned back.
"I have a feeling we should kiss." Lando said with a fake seriousness.

"Oh, you do?" you teased him with a grin and put your arms around his neck. Lando's hands grabbed your hips and quickly pulled you closer to him.
"I do." he said in a low voice.
"Kiss me you twat." you chuckled, and it didn't take a second for your lips to meet.

And as you stood there kissing in the middle of the paddock, the sun slowly set behind the track and bathed everything in a warm light.

And as you stood there kissing in the middle of the paddock, the sun slowly set behind the track and bathed everything in a warm light

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