Show Me A Star

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I once knew a boy, young and free
You won't believe what he asked me,
At night he said "show me a star"
I told him it was way too far

We once went driving to the city,
The boy jumped off of a tall tree
The sun was up when he pointed afar
He smiled and pleaded "show me a star!"

When the sun had set completely
The air was filled with tranquility
There was a small speeding red car,

The lights were so bright
That the boy shouted in fright
"A star! It really isn't that far!"

On a dark and misty night
Dimmed were all of the streetlights,
When, finally there was no cloud cover
I pointed to the sky where spaceships hover

I said, "there's a star,"
He said, "Why did it have no scars?"
As the moon once was,
The stars had no fuzz.

The moon had shone and was eaten
Filled with fury and jealousy
Its beauty was forbidden
Now it was a divine entity

A star is a moon's child
Sometimes it want to fly
We say they go wild
Cause shooting stars weren't born to fly

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