"Uhmm well, I got kicked out from my job so I'm just having a mental breakdown right now" Jungwon said and smiled bitterly, the reason for the said guy beside him beaming at what he had heard as he faced Jungwon with much anticipation.

"Is that so?" he said with excitement in his voice, making Jungwon just look at him, confused. "Can you stand for a moment, please? I'll just look for something" the guy said with a huge smile.

But even though Jungwon was completely clueless about the request, he just followed what he said obediently, and stood before him. The guy then looked at him from head to toe, making him almost feel uncomfortable. "Turn around please" he added, making Jungwon just follow with his eyes furrowed.

Then with the hands clapping once behind him, Jungwon jolted and faced the guy once again. The frustrated expression that was present the first time he saw him was not visible anymore since he looks more than happy as of now.

"That's it! Do you want to be a model?" the guy asked him happily.

"Uhmm, I can do any job. I'm not a picky person" Jungwon just answered, still clueless.

"Look. You said that you just got fired from your work. And with that, we can help each other! I will help you get a job and you will help me to finish my job as well" the guy said as he handed him a paper to fill up to. "Well. That is when you want to, I won't force you if you don't" he added.

Jungwon was stunned. He doesn't even imagine that he could get another job just this quick. He then just accepted the paper handed to him reluctantly. Of course, he wanted a new job as well, but going back to Seoul will be a hard decision for him to think of.

"Uhmm, I really do appreciate the generosity that you showed, but can you give me some time to think about it first? I still need to decide some things before going to Seoul from Ilsan" Jungwon said, making the guy smile.

"Thank you. Don't worry, I won't pressure you. I'll give you the time you need and just call me if you are interested so that you can fill up the form" the guy said, a smile still on his face, making Jungwon nod. The guy then gave him a calling card so that he could give him a phone call when he had already decided.

"Thank you as well. I am Jungwon by the way" Jungwon said and offered his hand to the guy as he chuckled, making the guy shake his hand softly.

With a huge smile, the guy replied, "I am Hanbin and it's really nice to meet you, Jungwon". Jungwon then smiled back at him sweetly before halting, shaking the older's hand.

"I hope you could consider my job offer, Jungwon, and if that happens, I'll look forward to working with you" Hanbin added as he fixed his things, starting to get up from his seat.

"Thank you, Hanbin hyung. I'll think about it thoroughly and hope that we could also help each other too"


Blue Jay

Jungwon stood outside a huge building with a stiffened body. He doesn't even know why but the name of the clothing company before him was making him feel goosebumps. Mouth agape and head tilted above just to read the company name, he was getting really bothered yet he just let those wash over him.

He then heard a chuckle beside him as he felt a hand touch his chin to close his mouth gently. "If you keep that open, a fly might enter" Hanbin said and laughed softly, making Jungwon just giggle as well, not to embarrass himself more.

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