Chapter 32

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Then after a few more minutes of eating and chatting, they finally finished their food with wide smiles on their faces as they promised to themselves to come back here again when they are free.

But unfortunately, when they are finally outside of the restaurant, talking about some random things, someone suddenly bumped into Sunoo, making them both gasp at the same time.

"Goodness, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about it. I didn't mean it" the person said, sincerely apologizing for what happened.

But as soon as Sunoo heard the voice, his eyes widened upon being surprised, eyes slowly turning to the one he bumped.

Then when their eyes met, the person he bumped was as equally surprised as him but his agape mouth slowly turned into a smile.

"Sunoo-yah!" he exclaimed enthusiastically with welcoming smile, but Sunoo was still shocked upon the meeting that all he can reply was

"J-Junkyu hyung?"

"Long time no see, Nunu-yah. I missed you!" Junkyu exclaimed, as he walked closer towards Sunoo and gave him a hug.

"I missed you too, hyung. Wait, what are you doing here?"

"Haruto and I came here to eat at this Japanese restaurant, but nevermind. I wanted to talk with you. There are so many things you missed when you left" Junkyu said, now clinging at Sunoo's arm with a huge smile on his face.

"Yah, Haruto! You're here too" Sunoo exclaimed and ruffled his hair, making Haruto just let out a soft chuckle while letting Sunoo do what he wanted to.

"It's nice to see you again, hyung. You look prettier than the last time we meet" Haruto told him, making him laugh and flutter.

"Oh come on, I've always been like this, you know" Sunoo said jokingly, earning laughs from the others.

"Nunu, I have lots of things to tell you. Are you free tonight?" Junkyu asked him, eyes sparkling for the request, and with that, Sunoo smiled wider.

"Me too. I have lots of things to share with you too. Come on!"


Just right after they met in front of the said Japanese restaurant, they made it to a park where there are no people since it's already dark.

There are four of them in the place. Sunoo and Junkyu just decided to have a walk on the entire park while having chats and sharing what happened to them after the last time of their last meeting, while Niki and Haruto, Junkyu's boyfriend, gave them privacy by just sitting at one of the bench together on the either corners of it.

Silence enveloped the two for not knowing each other. Hence, they just watched the other two laughing out loud from a distance with a touch of longingness for not being able to see each other for a long time.

Dive into the Ocean, Walk into the PathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ