Chapter 18

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Today is just like any other day.

Jake and Sunoo woke up early for their work in the coffee shop.

“Hey Jake hyung where do you want to eat lunch later?” Sunoo asked enthusiastically to Jake who was just casually sitting on the seat in front of the coffee machine while looking at the people inside the shop.

“Hyung!” Sunoo almost yelled while clapping his hands in front of Jake’s face since Jake seems like he is losing focus and his mind flying to God only knows where.

“Ah yeah, what did you say again?” Jake asked as soon as he was brought back to reality. Sunoo then took a sigh before starting to talk again.

“Hyung, you’re losing focus” Sunoo said and crossed his arms “I was just asking where do you want to eat lunch but you seem so fazed about something. Mind sharing anything on your thoughts?” Sunoo asked before sitting down beside Jake.

Jake then took a deep breath first before speaking. “Well, as you can see, we took a long time here on the land but we haven't seen the ENGENE bracelet since then. I really feel like we are just wasting our time” Jake said with a low voice so Sunoo just pulled off a smile and put his hand on Jake’s shoulder.

“Prince Jaeyoon, I know that you really wanted to find the ENGENE bracelet immediately but… it’s hard to rush over things. We’re working on it, okay? Just wait a little more. Trust me, we’ll find that in no time” Sunoo said with a comforting smile which made Jake smile too. Jake then nodded to him before ruffling his hair.

“Thanks, Sunoo” Jake said but he remembered something “Wait, it’s only nine. Why are you already thinking about lunch?” Jake asked which made Sunoo laugh at him.

Then after a few more minutes, more customers entered the coffee shop so Jake and Sunoo immediately stood up to welcome them to the counter.

“Good morning, gentleman. What’s your order?” Jake asked cheerfully with a bright smile.

“Uhmm I’ll get two iced americano, one doppio espresso with three cinnamon buns and your number, please” the customer said with an obvious smirk on his lips.

“Okay, two iced americano, one doppio espresso, three cinnamon buns and-- wait what?” Jake asked dumbfoundedly while raising one of his eyebrows. Sunoo was just chuckling beside him.

“Why? I really think you’re pretty so having your number would be awesome too” the customer just said.

“S-stop that. I’ll just get your orders. Please give me a minute” Jake said and immediately went to the coffee machine to make the orders while Sunoo went to the kitchen to get the pastries that he ordered.

The customer then leaned on the counter to have a clearer view of Jake blushing while making the coffee.

“Hey, you know what? You really look like a cute puppy. Mind calling you pup?” the customer asked which made Jake let out an airy chuckle.

“If that’s what you want” Jake said while putting the lid on the cup of one of the iced americano that he has been making.

“Okay then, pup..” the customer said before letting out a giggle “...may I know your name at least?” he asked.

Jake then went back to the counter and faced his customer with three coffees on the tray that he was holding.

“And why would you ask for my name?” Jake asked before giggling.

“So that I know what would be the name of my future boyfriend” the customer said proudly which made Jake laugh.

“You’re talking nonsense… but my name is Jake Shim, how about you?” Jake said while placing his hand in front of the guy, letting him know that it is his turn to introduce himself so the guy also handed his hand to Jake.

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