Chapter 24

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Jake smiled as soon as he heard the doorbell rang, he knew exactly who that person was. He then excitedly went to the door and welcomed Ethan with a huge smile.

“Hey pup” Heeseung said while waving his hand a little to Jake, making Jake giggle at him and open the door wider, enough for Heeseung to enter.

Heeseung smiled. Jake has always been this bright whenever they are together. It made his heart melt even harder for him.

“It’s my first time here” he declared.

“Yeah. I've been inviting you here always so that I can introduce you to my housemates but you're always rejecting my offer. Unfortunately, I still cannot introduce you to them since they are not at home” Jake said and pouted. Heeseung then turned his head towards Jake and smiled. Of course, he doesn't want to get caught by the enemy.

“So.. who’s inside now?” He asked.

“Oh, Sunoo and I are only left here, don’t worry” Jake said and giggled.

And when they went inside, Heeseung’s eyes scanned the whole place to see if anything there was suspicious but when he found none, he calmed himself.

He saw Sunoo sitting on the couch while eating a pizza and watching an anime that Niki recommended him to watch. He waved at the visitor.

“Hey hyung! Nice to see you here. If there’s anything that you need, just tell us, okay? And feel at home!” He said with his mouth still stuffed with food. Heeseung just laughed at him before speaking.

“Alright, alright. Thanks for inviting me here” Heeseung responded while nodding.

“Do you want to eat? We’ve ordered something just a while ago since we can’t cook” Jake said while showing the food.

“I’ll eat later, pup. I’m still full since I just ate before going here”

“So.. what do you want to do? We can have this house till late” Jake said with bright eyes and a smile. Heeseung swears, this is one of his favorite sights.

“Uhhmm how about you just tour me around the house? I’ve been really curious about what's inside since it looks so big outside” Heeseung exclaimed, making Jake giggle and hold his arm.

“Yeah, I know. Come on, I’ll tour you around”

Heeseung and Jake then toured the whole house with their hands, holding each other. Jake was too excited to share everything inside while Heeseung was mentally taking note of everything he is seeing and hearing.

But upon looking at the rooms, a room caught his attention. He looked at the room with confusion before speaking once again.

“Ohh, I see but.. Pup, what’s that room over there?” Heeseung asked.

“Oh that one? That room was so confidential. I also haven't had the chance to enter there but, don't mind that. For sure there’s nothing so important with that room” Jake just said, making Heeseung draw a smirk on his lips.

‘Oh for sure, that room was really special’ Heeseung thought.

“So how about your room? Can you show me?” Heeseung said as soon as he turned his face to Jake and winked.

Jake then blushed at what Heeseung did, reason for the older to receive a hit on his shoulders.

“My shared room with Sunoo is that room over there”

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