Chapter 5

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This time was too early in the ocean but Jaeyoon is already awake to prepare things that they will need on the land.

Jaeyoon was busy packing his things when he heard someone knocking at the door so he immediately put the things underneath his bed, fearing that it was his father but when it opened, his mom showed up. He also calmed himself as he found out that it was just his mother.

“Jaeyoon-ah, how’s your things?” the mother asked. Jaeyoon continued packing his things, getting those underneath the bed.

Queen Jaeha, Jaeyoon’s mother, already knew about the plan since Jaeyoon already discussed it with her. But even though the Queen doesn't want his son to leave the Sapphirila, there’s still nothing she can do to stop him in his plans.

“I’ll be done in a minute, mother” Jaeyoon replied with a huge smile on his face.

“Okay done! Mother, could you-- Mother? Why are you crying?” Jaeyoon asked and immediately went to Queen Jaeha.

“I’m just afraid that the human would hurt you” the Queen said while wiping out her tears. Jaeyoon just chuckled and patted his mother’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, mother. Once I see the ENGENE bracelet, I’ll immediately go back here in Sapphirila, okay? Besides, no one’s gonna know. Sunoo will give me a potion to give me human legs'' Jaeyoon said with a smile to comfort his mother. He doesn't want to worry anyone, especially his mother.

“Fine, just take care of yourself and please go back quickly, okay? I would be paranoid if you are not here by my side” Queen Jaeha said and wrapped her arms around his son, Jaeyoon also hugged the Queen tightly.

“Yeah, I’ll be back” Jaeyoon said, smiling before he let go of the hug.

“So! I think I should leave before King Yoongi wakes up. I'm gonna go, mom. I’ll miss you” Jaeyoon said lastly before waving his hand with a smile and walked through the door. Jaeyoon held his breath as he tried hard not to let go of his tears… but they still fell. Of course, it’s his mother. Living without her must be very difficult.

After a short swim, Jaeyoon met Sunoo and Ningning at the back of the kingdom. The two looked at Jaeyoon concerned before talking.

“Don’t worry, prince Jaeyoon. We’ll still go back here. Understood?” Sunoo said while patting Jaeyoon’s back. Jaeyoon just smiled, despite his tears and nodded to what Sunoo said.

“Oh Ningning, what were you saying before prince Jaeyoon arrived?” Sunoo asked when he turned his head to the princess. Ningning took a deep sigh before speaking.

“So yeah, guys. I have good news and bad news” Ningning said.

“Oh what was that?” Jaeyoon asked.

“The good news is the potion that Sunoo gave me works just fine! She told me that she will talk to King Yoongi tomorrow about cancelling the wedding…” Ningning said with a smile which made Jaeyoon smile also but her smile faded off before she continued speaking “...but the bad news is… I can’t leave mother, Karina and the whole Rodiena in the ocean so I’m really sorry, I can’t go with you on the land” Ningning said to the both.

“Aww~ Ningning, don’t be sorry about it. We completely understand you. The two of us can go. Besides, we can’t let a woman leave the ocean since it’s too dangerous there. Just stay here, okay?” Jaeyoon said and smiled.

“Eyy~ What a gentleman” Ningning teased and laughed “So! I think you should go so you won’t be caught by the patrolling knights” Ningning said and the boys nodded.

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