chapter 12

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A while later Zeldris noticed his firefly wasn't there. "Hey, did anyone see where Selena went?" he asked. Everyone shook their heads and then Derieri spoke, "She was with Monspeet and I, but then she must have left." Gloxinia then turned to Zeldris. "She must be fine if you can't sense anything wrong with her. Besides, she was exhausted after the forest so she wouldn't stray far." the old fairy king comforted as best he could. Zeldris sighed, "I just feel like somethings wrong but I know she sometimes prefers to be alone.'' At this the two kings shared a look and Drole looked over at Zeldris. "You are probably the only one who could get close enough to calm her down. If she is upset, you should try to find her." With that Zeldris nodded and took off. Five minutes later he was on the top floor and heard crying from the roof. Zeldris immediately summoned his wings and flew out the open window of the room he was in and to the roof. "Selena? Firefly? What's wrong?" Zeldris asked quietly as he wrapped her in a hug and moved her so that she was in his lap. "Z-Zeldy? W-What are you doing here?" Selena asked, her voice shaky and her eyes full of tears, shed and unshed alike. Zeldris gently pulled her closer to him and rested his chin on her head, "I could tell something was wrong, besides you left without telling any of us so I was worried." Selena only curled up closer to Zeldris at his words. Zeldris looked down at Selena, she looked like she had been crying for a while. 'How long has she been out here crying?' ' he thought, his heart breaking at the mere thought of Selena outside by herself in the cold night air while she was hurting.

He gave a soft sigh and began to sing a song he made for her with the two fairy kings' help, hoping it would calm her. "I'm not invincible , when it comes to you. Don't know what to say when you make me the enemy. After the war is won, there's always the next one. I'm not invincible , when it comes to you. Maybe I'll crash into you. Maybe we would open these wounds. We're only alive if we bruise, so I lay down this armor. I will surrender tonight, before we both lose this fight. Take my defenses, all my defenses. I lay down this armor, I lay down this armor,I lay down this armor. I do what it takes to make this right. But we got to stop before the regret. After the war is won, there's always the next one. I'll do what it takes to make this right. Maybe I'll crash into you. Maybe we will open these wounds. We're only alive if we bruise, so I lay down this armor. I will surrender tonight before we both lose this fight. Take my defenses, All my defenses. I lay down this armor, I lay down this armor, I lay down this armor for you. I'll be your escape, I'll be your safe place, I'll be your shelter, Your shelter, yeah. I'll be your escape, I'll be your safe place, I'll be your shelter, Your shelter, yeah. Maybe I'll crash into you. Maybe we will open these wounds. We're only alive if we bruise, so I lay down this armor. I will surrender tonight before we both lose this fight. Take my defenses, All my defenses, I lay down this armor, I lay down this armor. I lay down this armor for you, I lay down this armor for you." Zeldris opened his eyes and saw Selena laying in his lap, somewhat calmer. Zeldris then let out a small laugh. "You ready to go inside, my queen?" Zeldris said softly as he hugged Selena closer to him. Selena simply nodded as she laid her head against his neck and fell asleep. When the two got inside Estarossa was the first to see them. "Hey little brother. Did you find-" Estarossa began to ask but was silenced by Zeldris's murderous glare directed at him. "Yes, now can you not wake her up! It was hard enough to get her to calm down the first time!" Zeldris whispered angrily at his brother. Estarossa looked down at Selena, who looked like she had been crying for a while. He sighed and looked at Zeldris. "What happened? She looks like she's been dragged through purgatory and back." he asked. Zeldris looked down at Selena, worry in his eyes. "I don't know, but for now I was going to put her to bed. Can you explain to the others what happened?" Estarossa nodded at his brother and before he left quietly said, "Just make sure she's ok, I'll take care of the others." Estarossa then walked off to where the others were.

Zeldris set Selena down on the bed and covered her with the blankets before climbing in alongside her. Selena slowly woke up and Zeldris gave her a small smile as he held her close to him. "Are you feeling any better firefly?" Zeldris asked as he gently petted her hair. Selena let out a shaky breath. "A bit, I just want to sleep right now." Zeldris nodded "Maybe when you wake up you can tell me what got you so upset." Selena flinched slightly at the idea of telling just what got her so upset, but she supposed he had a right to know. He was her Zeldy after all. "Maybe when I wake up." Zeldris nodded as she cuddled even closer to him. "Ok, sweet dreams. I love you Selena." he mumbled into her hair. Selena smiled just a bit as she nuzzled his neck, "I love you too, Zeldris." The two were asleep in eachothers arms in seconds. "That isn't good, what could have upset her so badly?" Gloxinia said once Estarossa was done telling them what he knew. Drole looked over to Derieri and Monspeet. "Did you two accidently say something that upset her?" he asked. Derieri shook her head, "We didn't say anything in particular. We just asked her some stuff about her family and then if she could sing for all of us sometime." Monspeet said. "If we upset her with our questions we will apologize to her when she's up to being around people again." Derieri said, though she looked calm, Monspeet knew she was feeling awful at the moment. The two went outside to be by themselves for a bit. When Derieri was safely away from the other commandments she punched the wall as she began to scream. "HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID! She probably hates me now." Derieri whispered the last part so quietly Monspeet almost couldn't hear her. "We don't know what got her so upset, besides that girl can't hold grudges for stuff like that. Gloxinia and Drole said she has the same kind heart as her mother, remember?" Monspeet assured her as Derieri sat down next to where he sat against the wall. "I hope you're right." she replied as she rested her head on his shoulder watching the stars above.

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