chapter 9

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Hawk laid at Selena's side trying to help her stay calm while she petted his ears and along his back. Selena thought about her nightmares the past few nights. Zeldris had saved her from her last one but the ones before had been almost as terrifying. All of a sudden she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. Before she could stop herself she attempted to run while trying to free herself from the grip of whoever, or whatever, had grabbed her. "Eeek, please let me go, don't hurt me!" she whimpered. "Woah firefly, it's just me. I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you." Zeldris's voice calmed her as he gently placed her on his lap and held her close as he set his head on hers. Hawk walked over and climbed onto Selena's lap to comfort her. A few minutes passed with Zeldris coaxing Selena to rest and relax, until she fell asleep. Zeldris looked down at Hawk, "Do you know what's up with her?" Zeldris asked quietly. Hawk shook his head. "Not even Merlin knows what's going on, though she has her theories. The only time Selena gets any relief is around you." Zeldris felt his blood run cold. "That's bad, the curse is getting worse. If we don't cure it she might-" Zeldris couldn't bring himself to finish that sentence as tears began to form in his eyes. Hawk began to cry and cuddled into Selena even more, "She can't go, she's our friend, we have to save her!" Hawk cried out. Zeldris attempted to comfort Hawk as best he could, given his own fear at the moment, "We will do everything we can to help her." Hawk looked up at him ever so slightly, tears still streaming down his face. "I give you my word Hawk, as the leader of the ten commandments, and as a friend. We will do everything we can to help her." Hawk looked back at Selena and cuddled close to her again as he whispered, "That's all I ask." Zeldris petted Hawk as he spoke again. "Selena isn't gone Hawk, and if we have a say in it she won't be for a long time. My father will pay for the pain he's caused her." Zeldris let out a small sigh and looked up at the stars.

A few hours later Hawk was back home and Zeldris was heading back to the hideout with Selena still asleep in his arms. Once he got back he met with the two kings and caught them up on their neice's condition and asked them to help him keep the other away from her until she was feeling a bit better. They agreed and went to where the others were. Zeldris carried Selena to his room and set her on his bed then turned to see if he could find her something more comfy to sleep in from her stuff Gloxinia had brought over. After five minutes he found some comfy sleep bottoms that looked like shorts, and a grey sleep top with a moon on it. Zeldris didn't want to wake Selena up but she should be comfortable so he decided to gently shake her arm and call her name. Once she was awake and changed, the two went to cuddle and talk on Zeldris's bed. Selena laid on Zeldris, her head rested on his chest while one hand held his, and he petted her hair using his free hand. Zeldris looked down at her left shoulder and saw a mark in the shape of an owl, it's wings stretched out elegantly, its wing and tail feathers had streaks of purple and the rest was black, and the shape of a crescent moon on its chest. He thought about it and resolved to ask her later about it. Few hours later, once Selena woke up he decided to ask her about the owl. "Selena?" he said, gently so she wouldn't get scared from waking up somewhere she didn't know. Selena looked up at him, "Yes, something wrong Zeldy?" she asked. Zeldris shook his head, "No. I was just wondering where the owl mark on your shoulder came from." he said. Selena immediately became shy and nervous, "It's a stupid story-" she began but was inturupted by Zeldris. "I don't care about that. I want to know everything I can about you. I love you my firefly." he said, giving her a gentle and loving kiss. Selena sighed and explained as best she could. She and her siblings were marked as sins at a young age. Her sin was envy, for she had always been envious of her sister and brother. Because they got to go out in Lumina and do what they pleased but she was treated with mistrust, fear, and at times outright hatred. She had left Lumina after her parents died, partly because she feared what the citizens would do to her without her mother and father to protect her from them. Zeldris felt his anger for those who had hurt Selena grew more and more as she told her story. "Don't worry Selena. You have us now, and we won't let anyone hurt you again." he said, giving her one last kiss on her forehead before they both fell asleep.

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