chapter 1

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 If you don't know what Merlin looks like I put a picture above to help since I can't do her justice 😅💜

Selena found herself looking up at the night sky once again, thinking about how she and her siblings found themselves here, in the middle of a forest clearing on the run from their home and no one to turn to. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a shadow in the trees but couldn't tell what, or who, it could be. She was about to go investigate but a small sound caught her attention, a crying sound coming from her left. Aurora, her little twin, her light in the darkness, was having another nightmare. Selena got up and walked over to her sister and began to stroke her auburn and blue streaked hair gently while singing the lullaby their mother had sung to them when they were young. "Now it is time to forget your burdens and fears. Let go of the things weighing you down. Instead look towards the sky, that's where I'll be. Sun and moon.., weep not little ones for I am here, your worries become another wave, in the sea, So wash away, close your eyes, and sleep.. Precious ones, So small.. Soooo sweet, straight from, the brightest star. What a miracle, you truly are. I am blessed that you're here." as the song came to a close Aurora began to go back to sleep. Selena continued to stroke her sister's hair until she was certain her twin wouldn't wake up as soon as she stopped. When Selena looked to her right, towards her older brother, Phoenix, and began to remember happier times when they were young. "Come on Lizzie, it will be fun!" a younger Selena called out to her friend Elizabeth as she ran towards the nearby lake. "I'm coming, but could you slow down, it's hot out here" Elizabeth asked as she ran to catch up with her friend. When the two girls got to the lake they went swimming until a man with blonde hair and bright eyes came to collect them for dinner. She tried to remember the name of that person but she could only remember how happy his presence made Lizzie, and how he had disappeared many years ago. Selena wondered if she could convince her siblings to visit Liones so they could see their old friend.

Selena then began to think about her dream the night before. She had dreamed that she had been followed by someone she couldn't see, but something about them had felt familiar. She tried to remember, but all she could remember from her dream was feeling safe and protected around them, and a pair of bright green eyes looking into her own. Selena was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a twig snapping not too far from where she sat. "Whoever you are, you can come out, you're not fooling anyone anyways." Selena said with slight annoyance in her tone. A woman with dark hair, serious eyes, a small smirk, and purple outfit then walked out from the shadows. "How were you able to tell I was there?" the woman asked as she cocked her head to the side. "First, who are you and why were you stalking us?" Selena replied, arms crossed over her chest as she gave the strange woman a glare that could freeze even the most seasoned of holy knights. "My apologies, my name is Merlin, the boar sin of gluttony, I mean you and your companions no harm." Selena could sense the truth in Merlin's words, but she still didn't know if she could trust her, she didn't remember ever meeting this woman after all, though something felt familiar about the woman. "How were you able to sense me, my magic should have made that impossible." Merlin said. Selena rolled her eyes at Merlin. "Maybe next time don't try sneaking up on us at night. What are you even doing here anyway?" Selena replied with curiosity in her voice. "I felt a strong magic not too far from where my companions and I decided to stay for a bit," Merlin pointed behind her at something Selena couldn't quite make out, a house? That hadn't been there just hours earlier; she and her sibling might have to change plans in the morning. Merlin's voice brought Selena back to the world. "And when I noticed that it was so close I wanted to make sure you weren't a threat to us, or anyone else." Merlin explained. Selena heard a shuffling behind her and out of the corner of her eye saw it was her brother just getting more comfortable in his makeshift bed.

Selena looked back at Merlin. "Okay, you saw what you needed to see now can you please leave, if either of my siblings woke up and saw you I'm not sure I could stop them from trying to hurt you." she said as she waved Merlin away from her and her small family. "I hope we can meet again." As Merlin began to walk away she turned back. "I almost forgot, I didn't ask your name." Merlin said, though something told Selena Merlin already knew it and was asking for another reason. " My name's Selena, but you should head back to your friends." Selena replied. The rest of Selena's night was relatively quiet beyond the sounds of crickets and the occasional owl. She spent her night practicing her magic, toying with her black and purple streaked hair that fell to the lower part of her back, and singing songs her mother and father would sing to them as children.

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