chapter 7

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    Excuse the use of an mlp song😅

Selena felt weirdly antsy but she also knew her siblings and friends wouldn't want her to wander far, so she decided to go to the forest again. As she stepped out of her room she saw a pig walk towards her, "Hi, where are you going?" he asked. "I'm going to the forest. What's your name?'' Selena replied. The pig stood a bit taller. "Hawk, but you shouldn't go out by yourself, so I want to come with you." Selena smiled at Hawk and nodded. "We should leave soon or we'll miss the moon rise." The two headed out to the forest and back to the clearing that Selena and her siblings had stayed the night that Merlin found them. Selena sat in the middle of the clearing and patted the ground next to her as an invitation to Hawk for him to sit by her, an invitation he eagerly accepted. As the two sat together Selena began to pet Hawk's ears and along his back as she sang an old song her mother had made just for the two of them to share when she was young, "This is your place, under night sky and stars, bathed in the moonlight. The heavens are ours. Soon I must leave you to their charge and care. But always remember that I'm with you there, Soaring with stars. I love this place, it's my own dream come true. I can't wait to show them and share this great view. I won't disappoint you, just wait and you'll see. But I'll always remember that you're here with me. Soaring with stars. Let everyone share in our love of the night. This soft lit kingdom, I leave to you. And I know you'll care for it like I care for you. Your legacy follows, wherever I go I look to the moon and my heart is aglow. I won't disappoint you, just wait and you'll see. But I'll always remember that you're here with me, Soaring with stars." Selena looked up towards the stars and thought back to her favorite time when she and her mother had sung that song together.

Selena looked out the window and up at the stars and moon before turning to her mother. "Mama, look there's a full moon outside! Can we go outside and fly?" her mother looked out at the night sky and chuckled. "Aren't you sleepy, my little starlight?" Selena shook her head and began to gently tug on her mother's dress. "Please mama?" Azura laughed as she scooped Selena into her arms and began to bombard her with kisses, causing her daughter to shriek in laughter. "Ok, but then it's right to bed with you, you don't want to miss out on playing with your friend Elizabeth tomorrow." Azura said as sternly as she could manage. Azura had never been good at being strict, that was more her husband's territory. Then again he was a general and had always been in jobs involving fighting, so he had to be strict at times. Ten minutes later the two were out in a spacious meadow far enough from Lumina that they shouldn't be spotted. Azura let out her wings, that at that moment had looked like pieces of the night sky itself, and wrapped her arms around her daughter, her hair looking as though the heavens themselves were reflected in it, the irises of her eyes were dusted with stars. She looked down at her daughter, a lock of hair falling from its place, yet it did not take away from her grace and instead only added to it. Azura then spoke to her quietly, "Remember love, if you fall try to use your magic or wings to catch you if mommy can't." Selena nodded her head and cuddled into her mother's chest as her arms wrapped around her. Azura took off and when she was high enough she turned onto her back so she could look at her daughter without as much worry. Selena tried to reach her hand out to the stars above, as though she wanted to catch them. This caused her mother to giggle and nuzzle the top of Selena's head. Azura then began to sing. "This is your place, under night sky and stars, bathed in the moonlight. The heavens are ours. Soon I must leave you to their charge and care. But always remember that I'm with you there," Selena recognized the song and began to sing as well. "I love this place, it's my own dream come true. I can't wait to show them and share this great view. I won't disappoint you, just wait and you'll see. But I'll always remember that you're here with me. Soaring with stars." the last part they sang together. "Let everyone share in our love of the night. This soft lit kingdom, I leave to you. And I know you'll care for it like I care for you." as Azura sang those words she hugged her daughter a bit closer to her and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Your legacy follows, wherever I go I look to the moon and my heart is aglow. I won't disappoint you, just wait and you'll see. But I'll always remember that you're here with me," Selena sang as she looked back at her mother and saw nothing but pure love, kindness, and happiness in her eyes, the two touched foreheads and sang the final words together. "Soaring with stars." The two had stayed that way, singing and flying, for hours until Selena fell asleep in her mother's tight yet loving grip.

Selena let out a quiet yet shaky breath as tears began to fall down her cheeks, not noticing someone was behind her until she was engulfed in a hug. "Eek, what the-" Selena said but was shushed by a familiar voice. "It's okay firefly, it's just me. Who's pig is that" Zeldris asked. Selena looked over at Hawk who, it appeared, was sleeping soundly. "I don't know who he 'belongs to' but he lives with the sins and their friends in the boar hut." Selena cuddled into Zeldris, him finally able to see that she had tears on her face. "Firefly? What's wrong?" he asked as he gently wiped away her tears. "N-nothing important," Selena responded quietly. Zeldris frowned at her words. "Now I know that's a lie, I was able to tell something was up from all the way across Britania." Selena sighed in defeat, "Fine, I was remembering my mom and the song that she made, just for the two of us to share. And I just miss her and papa so much." Selena felt herself begin to cry again. Zeldris hugged Selena closer to him, "There's nothing wrong with missing you parents, especially if they loved you even half as much as I suspect they did." He said as he attempted to comfort Selena while she cried. Hawk was awake now, and though he didn't want to get near Zeldris he also wanted to comfort his friend. So he walked over to Selena and Zeldris and climbed into Selena's lap attempting to offer any comfort he could. Selena wrapped one arm around Hawk lightly, and hung onto Zeldris and Hawk until her tears had subsided to soft whimpers and sniffles. Zeldris looked down at Selena and was surprised by how broken she appeared at the moment. He looked down at Hawk and quietly asked "Will you please help her when I can't. I want to help her but-" Hawk held his ear as though it were a hand and cut Zeldris off. "Yeah, yeah loverboy, I'll help in any way I can. But it looks like for now she needs you. And just a warning, if you break her heart, not only would the sins be out for blood but her siblings as well, and those two are just as good, if not better than her, in battle. So be careful." Zeldris nodded, "Thanks, for the help and the warning." Hawk nodded at him. "I don't care who she loves as long as they don't hurt her. But the others might be harder to convince." Hawk said as he cuddled closer to Selena. Zeldris tilted his head giving a small smile. "I convinced you already, how?" Hawk looked at Zeldris head on and said, "She trusts you enough to cry in front of you and seek comfort from you, that is big for her. She is very guarded. Even around us, people who mean her no harm at all. Heck, she has known the sins since she was little and still has trouble trusting them with some things or even letting them comfort her. But she let you hold her while she cried. That shows me that she trusts you enough to risk opening her heart to others again. And that is enough for me." Hawk then curled up on Selena's lap, still facing Zeldris a bit while he continued cuddling with Selena to help her feel better.

Eventually Selena's breathing calmed and Hawk whispered to Zeldris, "Did she fall asleep?" Zeldris nodded. "She has had a long day, I'm just surprised it took her this long to finally fall asleep." Hawk said as he carefully hopped off of Selena, before he could ask if they should separate and Zeldris go back to the other commandments, Zeldris pulled out a gold necklace with a strange charm on it. He activated it and nodded for Hawk to follow. Hawk ran to catch up to the two. Hawk looked up at Zeldris, "So you're that Orion boy she was with a few nights ago?" he asked quietly, smirking a bit at the demon prince. Zeldris nodded, "It was the only way I could think to see here in person without causing an unnecessary fight." Hawk nodded and smiled at Zeldris. "You must really love her, if you're going to these lengths to see her." Zeldris turned a bit red, "I-I don't love her, I just think she's-" before he could finish Hawk cut him off. "If you want to deny it, be my guest but if you want to stay with her you're going to need to show her that she can trust you, heart, mind, and soul. If you don't, she might just decide it's not worth risking her heart again." he replied. Zeldris thought about what Hawk said. "I just don't know what to do. What if she got hurt because of me? I can't imagine a life without her." he replied sadly, looking down at Selena's sleeping face. Hawk nodded. "You don't need to decide today, or even tomorrow. But someday you need to tell her how you really feel about her. What happens after, is up to the two of you." Hawk replied with a shrug. When the three got to the tavern Hawk covered for Zeldris and Selena, saying 'Orion' had found them in the woods and insisted on staying to protect them, but Selena fell asleep. Meliodas and Merlin were suspicious of the boy, though for different reasons. When Orion left, Merlin cornered Gowther and asked him if he sensed anything strange about the boy, "Not really, all I could sense from him was love and worry." Gowther replied. Merlin huffed, annoyed. "Hey Elizabeth? Do you know who that Orion guy is?" Meliodas asked. Elizabeth turned to him, confused. "She said he was just someone she met at the festival. Why?" she replied. Meliodas sighed. "I don't know, something just feels off about him. Besides, what if he has something to do with the commandments' return, or is just trying to get close to her so he can hurt her?" he replied. Elizabeth walked over and hugged him, "If it will help you feel better I'll talk to him before he leaves and see what I can find out." Meliodas sighed, nodding as he hugged her back.  

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