Chapter 4 - Phantomhive

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Ciel POV

I woke up the next morning another bad dream they happen every night, this one wasn't too bad I would say I'm getting used to them, but I know I'm not they still terrify me, either it being me locked in a cage or the fire or my parents.

I was close to my mum she really loved me and cared for me, and we shared and talked about everything, I could always go to her if I was ever upset. My dad on the other hand even though he seemed nice to others behind closed doors he would take his anger out on me, he always told me how he wanted 'a strong son to take over his place' I wasn't strong I was weak I got ill frequently and couldn't go out much, so father could hurt me and no one would notice.

Luckily it wasn't every day and was mainly when he was drinking and mother would be too scared to confront him about it all. His mixed emotions scared me because when he was being nice to me, I never knew if it was all an act, or he genuinely cared even if it was for a split second I always hoped he would have cared about me.

I got up ready for another day of school, I picked up my keys and phone and headed out the door. On the way I decided to have a normal dinner today, so I went in a shop on the way to school to buy a simple cheese sandwich and continued my journey to school.

First lesson was PE which I was terrible at naturally, my asthma made it worse when doing physical exercise. We were doing indoor PE, but the teacher didn't care much about uniform, so I was still able to wear my hoodie over the top.

As the teacher blew his whistle making us get in line, he told us that we were playing basketball, which was not my best sport based on my height and my lack of coordination. We got into groups and started playing, I was stood on the court watching the ball be passed around no one ever paces to me, so I don't need to put much effort in.

I then heard the front doors to the gym open and in walked none other than Sebastian Michaelis, guessing by the angry expressions on the coaches face he wasn't too happy he was late, but Sebastian's face remained emotionless as he just nodded and walked onto a court. I brought my attention back to the game.

At that moment a ball was being thrown in my direction and I panicked and froze until It flew over the top of my head and I could hear someone directly behind me catch it making my jump forwards spinning around as I looked up and there stood Sebastian for a short few seconds before he started running dribbling the ball as he ran to the basketball hoop and dunked it, I hadn't seen anything like it, he was fast but somehow graceful and delicate.

He started walking towards me as I started spitting out nonsense "You" I shouted louder than I intended, I lowered my voice "What are you doing here" I said as he slowly approached me, now I could fully see the dramatic height difference between us.

" I go to school here remember you kindly pointed that out yesterday, so here I am" he spoke with his arms outstretched. I turned around and tried my best to ignore him, but there was something drawing me towards him, to look at him to be next to him and near him and I couldn't tell what.

Bell rang, and I quickly got dressed and ready for my next lesson Maths, I walked in a took me seat second from the back row I spread all my stuff out on the desk as the teacher began to start our lesson, as I brought my maths book out I could feel eyes burning holes into the back of my head, I shot around and came face to face with Sebastian "Phantomhive" I heard my name being called from the front of the classroom I turned back to face the front and saw the teacher staring at me with a not so happy look on her face.
A few minutes went by, and I saw a scrunched up ball of paper land on my desk I opened it up and read the note

'So Phantomhive is your last name then what's your first name' I scribbled a quick 'none of your business' back and turned around to throw it in his face.
"Phantomhive" I heard once more but much louder, I slowly turned to face the front again, preparing myself for what was about to happen. "Excuse me am I boring you, that's the second time I've told you to not turn around, detention after school no excuses" she was basically screaming at this point.

I just nodded silently and got on with my work as I heard a small chuckle from behind me, I cursed under my breath and kept my head down for the remainder of the lesson.

As the bell went and all the students got up I heard Sebastian whisper in my ear "guess I'll be seeing you soon" and with that he walked out the door, leaving me confused over what he was indicating.

Nightmares to dreams /SebacielWhere stories live. Discover now