Chapter 2 - New guy

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Ciel POV

I walked into class with Alois still dragging behind me, first class English. I was good at English I really loved reading I had lots of books on my shelves at home, but I'd always dreamed of having a grand library within my own home floor to ceiling full of books that I could sit and read all day, however here I am sat at the back of class reading a book I've already read so many times already, I do really enjoy it, so I don't mind it has a great plot and story line with a huge twist at the end.

I can hear Alois to my right blabbing about some new boots he saw whilst out shopping this weekend, I try to drown him out as I focused my full attention back on my book, trying not to pay any mind to the background noise as people start to make their way to class. A few minutes later I heard the door slam which snapped my attention back to reality, I placed my bookmark on the page I was on and placed it in my bag under my desk and looked back up at the teacher as he started the lesson talking about sentence formation.

I stared at the window next to me, looking at the leaves blowing peacefully through the trees. After a while I noticed the teacher start asking questions to some students, I looked over at Alois to ask to borrow his notes till I realised he was doodling on his paper not paying attention to any of his surroundings.

Class went by pretty quick now it was dinner time I had a separate class from Alois, so I didn't need to wait for him.

I walked to a table to sit down bringing out an apple and a slice of chocolate caked I bought from the shops on the way to school, I was a terrible cook and an even worse baker I don't know how I've managed to stay alive for so long.

A few minutes of peaceful silence later I heard a deafening squeal "Ciellllll" I sigh as I heard the quick footsteps of my cousin Elizabeth running towards my table, I have no patience to deal with her today, but I guess I have to, or I'll never hear the end of it.
"Elizabeth be quiet your drawing attention to us just sit down and be quiet" I said quietly trying to calm her down "Oh silly boy what have I told you call me Lizzy" she squealed paying no attention to everyone now staring at us "Elizabeth" I said through gritted teeth she finally got the message and sat down at the table next to me  with a huff.

I continued eating my cake again as Elizabeth talks about all the gossip of the school since the weekend, she always knows everything about what's happening to everyone in school, it's a bit creepy if you ask me.

I suddenly hear a huge gasp from Elizabeth making me nearly chocking on my cake "have you heard about the new guy he's so handsome everyone's talking about him" I try to regain my composure and shake my head "he's new he arrived this morning, and he's in my English Class he's so tall and cute but didn't talk much, but I haven't seen him around here" she spoke popping her head above the crowd scanning the area "I should introduce you to him, you two could be friends" she said sitting back down on the bench.
"Absolutely not Elizabeth I'm perfectly fine with the friends I have now I don't need anyone else, just stay out of my life" I basically shouted, she stood up pushing herself up with her hands on the table "I'm only trying to help" and with that she spun around nearly hitting me with her blonde pigtails and walked away.

I sighed and went back to finishing my cake. The bell rang and people started walking to their next class, I packed away my things packing away my uneaten apple and walked towards the doors to head to my next class.

As I got to the doors they swung open knocking me on the floor I was taken back a bit as air escaped my lungs from the fall, I tried to figure out what happened, as I tried to stand, a hand reached out to help me up, but I shrugged it off 'I'm not weak I don't need any help' I thought to myself as I looked up at who just knocked me out with a door.
There stood in front of me was a tall boy with Raven black hair, piercing red eyes like I've never seen before he looked like he had the most flawless features I've ever seen on a person, never mind someone my age. He opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly ducked my head staring at the floor and ran past him down the hallway as I felt a wave of embarrassment flow through me.

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