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I Love You

As Ellory and John B descended upon the boat beneath them, she felt adrenaline course through her body

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As Ellory and John B descended upon the boat beneath them, she felt adrenaline course through her body. The water was like a second home. A safe place. Even thought the water was murky and gross, she was in love. They approached the eery wreck and made their way inside.

The two teens began searching for the cargo hold. It took them longer then expected. Ellory checked her air levels and quickly realized she was running extremely low on oxygen. John B seemed worried about his as well. Once they found the hold, Ellory stuck the key in and unlocked it just like JJ showed her. A small black duffel bag floated out with nothing to accompany it. Figuring it was what they were looking for, they grabbed it and began their ascent.

Ellory swam up the anchor chain until she saw Kie's shirt tied to it. John B didn't seem to remember to stop tho and kept swimming. The small girl reached up and grabbed him, pulling him down. The effort forced Ellory to gasp for air. The last of her air. She glanced up hoping to be able to surface as soon as possible but recognized an extremely unwanted boat floating next to the HMS. John B only had a minute or so of air left and she was out. There was no way they'd stay in the dark water until the boat left. They had no choice but to wait though.

Ellory watched as the timer on John B's oxygen tank crept slowly to 0 signaling the end of his oxygen. Ellory had been without air for over a minute and she couldn't possibly hold her breath any longer. She felt her lungs constricting and the world around her became darker as her brain strained for oxygen.

Suddenly, a force pulled her up and she suddenly surfaced gasping for air. The other boat must have left.

"How'd it go down there?" JJ yelled.

"Did you find anything?" Pope asked anxiously.

The only response they received was the girl below them coughing harshly.

"JB is she ok?" JJ was growing concerned.

"She ran out of air over a minute ago just give her a minute. You know she's good at holding her breath" John B reassured.

Ellory soon regained her breath and looked up at her friends."Did we find anything?" She laughed holding up the black duffel bag.

"Yeah there we go! That's my girl!" JJ congratulated her pulling her up into the small boat.

"You guys ok? You scared the shit out of me." Kie extended her hand and helped John B onto the boat.

"Yeah, we uh ran out of air. If JB's dumbass hadn't forgotten to stop at ten feet I would've had more air then I did"

"The cops were up here but we took care of them." Pope said.

"Shit. What did they want?"

"Apparently the marsh is closed" JJ answered.

"Hey guys? Guys bogey two o'clock." Kie said interrupting them.

They all turned around to see an unfamiliar boat speeding towards them. "Do you guys recognize that boat?" Ellory asked.

"Never seen it before." Pope replied.

"What're they doing here? The marsh is closed." Kie added.

"Let's not stick around to find out." JJ quickly grabbed  Ellory and the scuba gear and had her move to a better spot so they could leave.

JJ and Pope grabbed the anchor and the bowline as John B sped off into the marsh. The unknown boat followed them.

"Gun it!" Ellory shouted at John B.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out through the air. The five teens screamed. JJ threw his arm over the girl next to him and pulled her to the floor of the boat. They shot at the HMS multiple more times. With each shot JJ's grip around Ellory tightened. She watched Kie stand up and make her way to one of the big fishing nets instantly knowing what she was gonna do. She shoved JJ off of her and ran to help her friend.

"Ellory! What're you doing?" JJ shouted reaching for her arm.

Ellory ignored him and grabbed the other side of the net. More gunshots rang out as John B yelled at the girls to get down. Ignoring him, they threw the new put into the water, straight into the other boats path and watched their plan fall into place.

"Kie you're a genius!" Ellory screamed.

"You guys are so stupid you could've been killed." JJ grumbled.

"Oh ya like you don't do things that could get you killed all the time." She groaned shoving him.

When the Pogues arrived back at the Chateau, they all ran up to the dock with the duffel bag. They began debating about what was inside. John B and Ellory thought money while JJ thought keys.

"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope interrupted.

"Wow Pope. That's a rare outburst of emotion." Ellory said giving him a shove.

"You guys are literally killing me with anticipation."

They all leaned forward as John B opened the bag to reveal a metal cylinder. He unscrewed it and dumped out some old, shitty compass.

"Good job everybody. We found a compass." Pope and JJ stood up annoyed.

"This was my father's." John B mumbled.


That night JJ and Ellory shared a hammock to sleep. Neither of them wanting to go home. It was a gorgeous night. A perfect night. It was warm and there was a light breeze. It was so quiet you could hear the ocean and the crickets around us. JJ had his arm around Ellory and she was leaning into his chest. This was something they did quite often in the hammocks. The craziness of getting shot at had made the girl forget her anger towards the boy for a while.

"JJ?" She asked.

"Hm?" he mumbled sleepily.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday."

"It's ok. I'm sorry I yelled at you too. I shouldn't have pushed you. I'll never do anything to hurt you again I promise."

"You know I love you right?" She questioned.

"I love you too." he sounded as if he was half a second away from passing out so She didn't say anything else.

Little did either of them know at that moment that they both loved each other as much more than friends. But it would take a lot more than a boat wreck and getting shot at for the two young kids to figure it out.

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