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Diver Down

Diver Down

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"Shut up." The teens groaned at Pope.

"No, guys, I'm serious, there's a boat." Kiara and John B moved to the front of the boat while JJ and Ellory looked at each other confused.

"Holy shit, he's right let's go." Kie said as the three of them still on the HMS started taking off their shirts.

Ellory stripped off her shorts and threw them up into the boat as John, Pope, and Kiara dived into the water.

"You think there's a dead body down there?" Pop asked.

"Shut up and get your ass in here!" she yelled excitedly.

The five of them sank under the water and swam down towards the boat. It was a really nice boat, definitely a Kook's. There really wasn't anything on the boat though. It seemed as if whoever was on it was just taking it for a quick ride. Ellory felt the water around her move and saw her friends pushing off the boat towards the surface. She followed closely behind.

"That's a Grady White. A new one of those is like 5 G's easy!" JJ laughed when they surfaced. "That's a primo rig."

"Yeah that's the boat we saw when we surfed the surge!" Ellory exclaimed excitedly.

"You guys surfed the surge?" Kie asked.

"Hell yeah we did." Ellory said with a smirk.

"That's my girl. Pogue style." JJ came and swung his arm around the girl, giving her a grin.

"Do we know who's boat that is?" Pope questioned.

"No. But we're about to find out." John B said as he started digging through the storage compartment.

"No way bro. It's too deep." JJ said.

"For the weak and feeble JJ." Ellory challenged giving him a shove.

"Well I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front."

"Diver down fool." Pope said.

"Diver down!" JB said, saluting us.

"Yeah he is." JJ shoved him off the boat while he held onto the anchor.

They leaned over the edge anxiously waiting for John B's head to resurface. Sure he had done this many times before but something about this situation worried Ellory. After a minute or two the friends started to become antsy.

"Should we go get him?" John B resurfaced right then holding something in his hand.

"I found this motel key."

"Great, we salvaged a motel key." Ellory moved to the back of the boat disappointed with JJ on her tail.

"Guys, we should report this wreck to the Coast Guard. Maybe we'll get a finder's fee" Kie suggested.

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