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Pew Pew Bitch

To sixteen year old Ellory Fay, sunsets were the greatest things ever

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To sixteen year old Ellory Fay, sunsets were the greatest things ever. No one could change her mind. Her mother always told her that no matter how bad a day was, there would always be a sunset to shed a little bit of color. She found peace in the sound of the ocean, the soft colors, and the light breeze that pushed her hair around.

"That's what, a three story fall? I give you a one in three chance of survival." Pope said as Ellory watched the sun disappear beneath the horizon.

She glanced up above her to the roof where a shaggy head of brown hair and his foot peeked over the edge. She couldn't help the giggle that fell from her mouth as she watched her best friends tease each other.

"Should I do it?" John B asked from above.

"Yeah you should do it. I'll shoot you on the way down." JJ said, pointing a drill above Ellory.

"You'll shoot me?"

"Pew pew bitch." the brunette said, taking a swig from her beer.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets and towel warmers."  a second girl announced from inside the house they were occupying. Kiara, or Kie as they called her, was a climate activist, always fighting to save the environment. Ellory's only female friend since the 8th grade.

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess." Ellory sighed, exasperatedly.

"I can't have cold towels!" JJ yelled from above the girl. 

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Ellory exclaimed, glancing up at the boys above her.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." JJ yelled to John B.

Of course, as soon as JJ said that, the beer slipped from John B's hand and clattered onto the deck next to Ellory. The five friends began laughing hysterically, a moment Ellory would remember forever.

"Hey, uh security's here! Let's wrap it up" Pope yelled to the other teens.

"The boys are early today." Ellory stood up from her spot on the deck ready to make a run for it.

"Let's go humpty dumpty." JJ yelled.

The young girl leaned over the deck railing and looked at the overweight, middle aged man making his way over to her friends. "Gary, is that you? Good to see you mean!"

Ellory leaned over the railing and looked at the overweight, middle aged man making his way over to them. "Gary, is that you? Good to see you man!"

"Is it time?"

"Let's go!" she screamed.

The five teens whooped and screamed as the entered the half built house. They made their way downstairs, narrowly avoiding Gary. As they entered another room, another security guard came out of no where and went for the small girl. He grabbed her arm but was quickly pushed away by JJ who was then grabbed.

"Woah! Hey! Not much of a hugger, man!" JJ said as he escaped.

Ellory watched as her friends hopped the tall fence in front of them, JJ urging them on from behind. She glanced behind her to see Gary gaining on them. With that, she sprinted at the fence and jumped over it easily as John B's rundown van pulled up next to her.

"Yo El, let's go!" JJ shouted sticking his hand out and pulling the girl inside.

JJ and Ellory stuck their heads out of the side of the van and watched the poor security guards begin to tire out.

"C'mon Gary." the blonde boy shouted.

"Yeah c'mon man you've got it." Ellory laughed.

"You're so close. C'mon man c'mon. Oh there you go." JJ threw him a beer as Kiara pulled the two back into the van.

"Aw c'mon man that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished."


Ellory lived in a small corner of the world known as the Outerbanks of North Carolina. More specifically, Kildare Island. Kildare was a place where each person's social status was determined by the amount of money they have. The rich folks live on the north side of the island, Figure 8. They were referred to as the Kooks. The poorer, working class people lived on the south side, The Cut. The natural habitat of the pogues.

The Pogues were a small group of friends from the cut consisting of, John B Routledge, JJ Maybanks, Pope Heyward, Kiare Carrera, and Ellory Fay. They had a mission to have the best summer possible. Which was a pretty easy goal. Because they were kids from the cut, nobody cared about them. Which meant they could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

John B lived in an old fish shack on the marsh, not far from the Fay residence. They called it the Chateau. His dad disappeared at sea nine months ago looking for a ship wreck. Everyone missed him. John B's uncle was supposed to be his legal guardian who was in Mississippi building houses. This meant the five friends had the Chateau to themselves for who knows how long.

JJ was John B's best friend and Ellory's partner in crime since the eighth grade when she moved to the Cut. He was about of local as they came. His family was involved in a lot of fishing, drinking, and smoking. The best surfer in all of Kildare and definetly in need of anger management therapy.

Kiara, or Kie as the other teens called her was the most down to earth person in Ellory's life. Her family came from Figure 8. Her family owns a local restaurant called the Wreck. Her parents didn't seem to like her friends much because they weren't Kooks but Kie couldn't care less.

Pope was the brains of the operation. He was a finalist for some fancy scholarship and the smartest person Ellory knew. Besides herself of course. He was a little bit of a weirdo but they all loved him anyways.

The five teenagers became very close very quickly once Ellory moved down to the Cut. They did everything together. From surfing, partying, and just hanging out, they were always together. The move changed Ellory's social life completely. No longer was she best friends with Sarah and Topper. In fact they had forgotten about her so much that the two of them were now dating. The girl's feelings for Rafe disappeared as soon as she saw how he treated her new friends. He seemed to become obsessed with her the more she pulled away from him. Regardless, her life was better than she could've ever imagined it being on the Cut.

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