Day 4(?)

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She opened her eyes, and instead of the classroom she was back in the white void.

There was a third gravestone now. It said "Maria Bonaparte 3"

"Oh, so these show my lifes then?" she thought.

Before she had time to think about it more the world again went to black.

When she opened her eyes, her bedroom ceiling was above her, and she felt the soft mattress below her.

"What?" she asked out loud. "How am I back here?"

Before she could think about it anymore, the alarm went off.

"Ugh, I'm going to be late again!" She screamed.

She decided to not wear the dress she did yesterday. The first today? She didn't know the right term for it. Was there even a right term at all?

The dress she chose was more plain than the one she first wore, but it was easier to move around in.

She moved through the day like she had before, until Dark Matter class that is.

It started out the same, with Mason agreeing to help "tutor" her after Mr. Hemlock pestered him.

"We're going to do basic shapes today, since some of you still need the extra help,"

The rest of the class made their shapes with ease.

"Might as well give it a shot," she thought.

She tried to make a small square, small enough to fit in her hand.

"Whoa!" she said out loud when a small blob of dark matter appeared in her hand.

"I did it! I did it!" she smiled as the blob continued to grow and grow.

"I guess the tutoring secession worked after all,"

The blob continued to grow bigger and bigger and bigger.

"Miss Maira, can you control that thing?" the teacher asked.

"Uh, I don't think so," she said as the blob continued to grow.

He waved his hand, and the blob disappeared.

"I'm glad your magic seems to be working now, but you still have a lot to learn, so I'll expect to see you at tutoring later today,"

The smile fell off her face, but she nodded.

"Maybe since I can use my magic, I can fight back this time!"

Now she was in the middle of the classroom, trying to follow long with the instructions Mr. Hemlock was giving her.

"Is creating a useless blob the only thing you can do?" Mason asked her.

She scowled. "I'm trying!"

"You're not trying hard enough! Here, I'll show you how it's done,"

And just like the day before, she was killed by Mason.

"Ugh! I need to find a way to beat him!" she cried out into the white void.

"At least I can't really die, I can find a way to beat him without any consequences. I'm sure I'll figure it out soon,"

It was a week later, but she still couldn't get through the day.

"I've tried pretending to be sick, fighting back, tried to report him to the teachers but he still just kills me!"

The white void started to disappear, but her frustrations didn't.

She went through the day by the numbers. Nothing she did could change her fate, so why bother?

She let out a sigh as she finished going through the same list of unreturned books during her community service in the library.

"You're finished already?" Sato asked.


He furrowed his brow at her. "Well, you should be doing something productive then?"

"Like what?"

"Well. . .you could always study for one of your classes,"

"Would you give me a book to study with?" she asked, with a hint of hope in her voice.

Sato was silent for a moment too long, and she began to worry.

"I'll give you a book, but I'll keep it once the community service is over,"

"That's fine,"

"I assume you want a book on Dark Matter, right?"

She nodded, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Studying won't help," Alexander said when Sato left the room.

"It might, you never know,"

He muttered something, but Sato returned with her book.

Reading Dark Matter for Fools didn't help her pride, but it was her last hope.

It took her a few more days to read it all, but once she did, she found just what she needed.

She was back in the dreaded chair in the middle of Mr. Hemlock's classroom, but she was smiling. She had purposely hid her magic during class, and now it was on to the second part of her plan.

"Mason, go use a little bit of magic on Maria. Don't use too much,"

Her smile brightened as Mason placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You're finally getting you-AHHHH!"

Mason pulled back away from her, clutching his hand.

"What happened?" Mr. Hemlock boomed.

"Somehow, she brought back the dark matter I put into her, into me," Mason growled.

"How does that even work?" Alexander asked.

"That doesn't matter, go bring them to the nurse!"

Alexander did just that, though he didn't show either of them kindness as he pushed them to the nurse's office.

"These two idiots got hurt during a tutoring session, you can help them right?" he asked.

"I'm not an idiot!" Mason said through gritted teeth as the nurse led him to a bed.

"You're hand is infected, so even after I heal you it might be sore for a couple of days,"

"Just hurry up!"

"Alright alright," the nurse helped his hand in her own, and both were enveloped in a bright light for a few seconds.

Once it disappeared, Mason snatched his hand away from the nurse's.

"You're healed, get off the table," the nurse shooed him off the bed, and turned to her.

"Where does it hurt?" she asked as Maria sat down on the bed.

"My shoulder,"

After taking a moment to analyze it. "Hmmm, well you've badly infected the wound on your shoulder. So I wouldn't lift anything heavy for a few days,"

She nodded, and then was shooed away with Alexander and Mason out of the room.

"My shift is over, go out,"

The door shut with a bang, and awkward silence followed.

"I should be heading to bed now, let's go," she pulled on Alexander's arm and started walking away from Mason's glares.

"I told you should have gone to the nurse earlier. Your cut might not have been infected," Alexander said.

"It's alright," she said back.

"It's more than alright," she thought later that night as she drifted to sleep. "I got to live,"

New life for Maria Bonaparte.Where stories live. Discover now