Alexander's Report

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Alexander yawned as he sat down in the chair in front of the counselor's desk. He resisted the urge to yawn as they stared down at him.

"Anything abnormal today?" they asked.

"She has bad memory, apparently,"

"Oh, how can you tell?"

"She told me,"

"Well, that's not as exciting, but still important, I suppose. Anything else?"

He shrugged. "She tried to take a nap during her library work, but she did all her work in the observatory alright, she did complain about the smell in room 615, but who wouldn't?"

The counselor nodded. "Is that truly everything? I feel like today's report is a bit short,"

"Well," he started "She did ask me what I did over the summer for her own essay. 'To get ideas', or something like that,"

"Why would she need to cheat on an essay about her own experiences? That's just . . .odd,"

He shrugged. "Her bad memory, I guess?"

"This is certainly interesting. I'm sure that Professor Twilight will not be pleased, but that's normal,"

They smiled at him. "Well, if that's all, then you are free to leave and get a good night's rest,"

He nodded and stood up to leave.

"Opps, I forgot the most fu-important part," the counselor said before pulling out the curse detecting stone.

"Are they doing this on purpose?" he thought as he tumbled to the floor and writhed in pain.

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