Promises | Prologue |

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Summer of 2012Westbrook, IN

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Summer of 2012
Westbrook, IN

Struggling to climb the tree, Sadie wondered if she was here yet. On the phone she sounded hysterical—stumbling over her words. Sadie never witness this behavior from her so she knew something wasn't right.

Taking careful steps up on the ladder, the lights from their tree house were on. This was the place were they both felt safe and away from the world. It was located in the woods, fifty yards out from Jodie's backyard. Sadie was the first to discover it, she then made it their spot.

Hovering over as her hands landed on the top, she peaked to see Jodie sitting Indian style. Her back was turned, looking over the trees of their small town WestBrook. Taking a high step up, Jodie's body tilted slightly looking over to see Sadie smiling. She wore denim shorts with a Left Eye graphic tee—sporting with her worn out Converses.  "Hey" Jodie murmured, patting the spot next to her.

Sadie shyly made her way over to her, taking the seat. "What's up?" gently patting her back. Jodie sat there in distressed Hollister shorts and a white tee. She avoided all eye contact from Sadie.

"Jodie what's wrong?" Sadie asked, waiting for her to end the silence. "Was it Dante?" She asked again referring to Jodie's on and off again boyfriend. The two weren't compatible or shared the same interests so Sadie thought, but obviously it was something there that she didn't see.

Jodie nodded as she played with her fingers. She had never been this nervous to talk to her best-friend that she's known since the sandbox. "Remember I told you my dad got a new job" she said

"Yea" Sadie shaking her head, continuously rubbing her back. "What about it? He didn't get it?"

Taking a deep sigh, she finally gave the eye contact that Sadie longed for. Her almond shaped brown eyes held Sadie in a trance. She always thought her best-friend was prettier than her, it made sense of why Dante wouldn't let her go. "No" she stopped, taking another breath in between, "he got it but Sadie-" she reached for her hand.

"The job is in Cali" she said, holding a good grip on her hand. In Jodie's defense she didn't want to let go. If she could she wouldn't leave—knowing that it meant leaving Sadie.

"Cali" Sadie repeated, so many emotions where running through her mind. California? Her one and only friend was leaving her—and this friendship.

"Sadie" Jodie whispered, "say something. How do you feel? I mean I'm mad as hell right now. I almost punched my bald head ass dad in the face when he told me" she scrunched up her face.

Sadie didn't know how to feel. If anything it felt like everything was moving in slow motion—like none of this was real. This was just a dream she hadn't woken from. "Listen we can just run away" Jodie insisted, nodding her head from just the thought of it.

"Yeah we can run" Jodie smiled, getting more convince about the idea. "What you think?"

The thought ran across Sadie's mind but it would never work. They were two sixteen year old black females—with no source of income. Sadie had her secret stash from babysitting for the neighbors but that money was for the idea of going to Rolling Out Loud—her and Jodie always talked about. The seven hundred that she had would only last them two weeks if even that. As much as she wanted to run away, it was impossible. "Jodie" she whispered, hearing her voice crack. "You know I love you but there is no way we can run away. With what money?"

"My dad's credit card" she said leaning over just a little pulling out a red and blue card, "we're like Bonnie & Clyde without the crime. I ain't built like that" she laughed

"You stole hi—"

"What else was I suppose to do? He's trying to take you from me" she declared, taking her hand from Sadie's, "but you know what, obviously this friendship is one sided."

Sadie frowned, staring at Jodie to see if she was just talking or for real. If only Jodie knew how she really felt, things would be so different. "One sided?" She repeated, Jodie just nodded, sticking to her word, "Jodie you know it's us against the world. It's been that way since forever. I just don't want to make things worst than they have to be."

"Whatever Sadie," she used her hands to push herself up. She stood to her feet, dusting off her bottom. "Well, I guess this is goodbye" she said looking down at her.

"Never goodbye Jodie you know that," feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. She stood as well, taking a step farther to take her hand again. "It's see you later remember"

Jodie rolled her eyes as her face soften. Sadie smiled as she slowly pulled her into a hug. Their skins touching made Sadie heart pump faster than usual. "I love you" Jodie told gripping on her tighter.

"Like love you love you" she said again.

Pulling away, Sadie searched in Jodie's eyes trying to see what she was really saying. She was confused—"here" Jodie said again, taking her keys from her pocket. She smiled as she fumbled with them. When she popped open the pocket knife on her key chain—Sadie stood there and watched.

Jodie looked up at her one more time before pressing the blade into her palm, deep enough that it would leave a scar. "Let me see your hand" she insisted, wondering if she would do as she was told.

But the thing is, Sadie trusted Jodie—with her life. She didn't hesitate to put out her left hand into Jodie's. She did the same as she did to hers—pressed the blade into Sadie's palm. She winced in pain, seeing the blood immediately rush out from the cut that was now on her palm. "No matter the time, the distance or person" Jodie locked eyes with her again,

"We will forever be for each other Sadie. With my blood and yours, our bond will never break. You make me a better person and for that I'm grateful."

"My love for you will travel through your veins as well as your love for me"

"Here and now, we are soulmates" she said clasping their hands together. Keeping a tight hold onto each-other. They stared even harder. Without a thought or care in this world, Jodie did something Sadie dreamed about every night.

Her lips were just as she pictured. They've playfully kissed each-other on the cheek but never on the lips. This was different, the feeling and connection between them was unexplainable.  For that moment Sadie felt like she was in paradise.

Truth was, she loved Jodie—more than a friend and—more as a lover.

© 2021

Here & Now


Hey my loves, this is my new story "Here & Now". This is my first time waiting a lesbian story. Love is love and everybody should be able to love who they want without being judge. I hope you guys enjoy this just as much as I enjoy writing it.

Side note: the small-town WestBrook, IN is made up.

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