"Well that was your painting lesson for today. Now out! Gyokko-sama's time is very important!" Gyokko said, pushing her outside the room. "O-okay then?" Mizue heard the biwa strum and she was suddenly falling through doors and doors that appeared under her feet. 

She fell around five feet on her back. "Oh, you're here now." Kokushibo commented. "Let's begin." Mizue muttered. She would train with him like crazy until she fainted. Although they both had wooden sticks to fight with, it sure gave Mizue a lot of bruises and muscle pain. 

They clashed sticks and never hesitated. "Use offence equally as defense. You only use defense and only strike when I'm close to range." Kokushibo suggested. Mizue slashed her stick into Kokushibo's left rib or so she thought. He dodged her attack and striked the stick on her head, leaving her unconscious.  

He sighed, brought Mizue back over to Aizetsu and left her sleeping. "Ow!" Mizue had woken up quickly due to Aizetsu's hot towel. "Please stop." Mizue said, sitting up. Her legs were covered in heavy blankets, making her sweat as she continued to lay down on the floor with a pillow. 

Aizetsu didn't listen and placed the hot towel on her stomach. "It burns..." Mizue mumbled. "You can withstand Kokushibo's hits but not a hot towel." Aizetsu chuckled. She rolled to her side so Aizetsu wouldn't place it again. "Please stop moving." Aizetsu said, trying to place the towel on her injuries. 

She kept rolling side to side with a teasing face. Annoyed, Aizetsu took both of her hands, put the towel on her right hand and smashed the hands together. "OWWW!" Mizue yelled out. "If you let me tend to your wounds, I'll make some mochi." Aizetsu offered, crushing her hands harder. "Alright..." Mizue agreed to his conditions and laid down. 

"We're going out! You coming, Mizue?" Daki asked. Mizue sat up and nodded. "No, I'm treating her wounds." Aizetsu explained. "Aw..." Mizue groaned and fell back in the futon. 

"Maybe another time then!" Daki waved goodbye and headed out to the red light district. "Wanna come make mochi with me? It's always fun to make food with you." Aizetsu offered. Mizue's eyes lit up and she nodded rapidly. 

Aizetsu chuckled and helped her out of bed. The room slowly turned sideways and the entrance door opened up to an upside down kitchen. They helped each other get right side up and began the process. 

They steamed the rice flour and hammered it but they needed a third person to help.  Thankfully, Akaza appeared, hearing the attempts to make mochi with two people and helped slap the mochi with water. (I'm not sure how they do it, but from research, it's something like this) 

"Are we all shaping it?" Akaza asked. "Of course!" Mizue nodded. Akaza seemed somewhat exhausted from slapping the mochi but didn't stop working at it. They all shaped a bunch of mochi and placed red bean paste inside before shaping. 

"Are we almost done?" Akaza asked. "We only have five more to go!" Mizue cheered on Akaza. Aizetsu seemed to be very speedy when making mochi. But he suddenly froze. "Aizetsu, what's wrong?" Mizue questioned. 

"I'm sorry, I have to go." Aizetsu ran out of the room without explaination. "Alright Akaza! You ready?" Mizue asked. "No..." Akaza whispered. "Good! Let's make two more pieces!" Mizue exclaimed, handing him the rice flour dough. "Just one more..." Akaza tried to encourage himself. 

After a minute, they both finished and ate some mochi together. "Aren't you going to sleep?" Akaza asked, as it was night time for her and hunting time for him. "Yep! I hope you find some good food tonight!" Mizue replied, chewing on mochi. 

"Let me just eat one more mochi-" Mizue was interrupted by Nakime's biwa which telported her to her room. "Nakime-san...why?..." Mizue got back in her futon and under the blankets. It was usually hard for her to sleep, but she had a strange feeling. 

Maybe Another Time. (Demon Slayer Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now