Chapter 29

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[Nethalion's Eye Activated]

[Nethalion's Eye (Active) – LVL 1]

Heraldian Elder Treant LVL 20

HP: [1000/1000]

An ancient being that was sleeping for a hundred years in the outskirts of the Herald City. Treants were known to deal very high damage but are very weak against fire. At low HP, its enraged attacks will consist of ranged attacks. The Treant will detach its own limbs to hurl them at its targets. The limbs will regrow in just a few seconds.

Weak Points are being marked.

After reading all that, an idea entered Kane's mind to help him defeat this monster with ease. Kane faced the gangsters.

"You guys probably had a lighter with you, right?"

"No. We don't."

"Huh?! But you guys are thugs!! I know you're taking cigarettes during your break!!"

"Dude. No. It's bad for your health."

But just like always, things never worked in Kane's way.


The very slow but massive Treant slowly swung its wooden hand at Kane.


Kane was forced to dashed forward to get its attention to prevent other casualties. The thugs slowly backed away, but the monster placed its hands on the ground and then swung it upward. Small pebbles went flying to the sky and rained down toward the running thugs like bullets.


Since it was busy attacking other people, Kane took the opportunity to attack the Treant's massive body.

Heraldian Elder Treant LVL 20

HP: [990/1000]

HP: [980/1000]

HP: [970/1000]

The Treant noticed and attacked him.


Kane easily dodged it by backtracking his steps.

"Damn it, it might take me a hundred strikes to take it down. Shit... I only have 5 minutes until the Metamorphosis runs out. I think I still have 2 min—"


And then his buff was gone.

"Wait?! Why is it gone?? It's still not 5 minutes!"

Kane observed that all his mana was depleted. Using Metamorphosis needed mana for it to activate. It would also drain Kane's mana per second to retain his goblin form. Because Kane wasted a lot of mana on failed skills, he ran out of mana, ending the Metamorphosis.

Luckily, his main HP already regenerated that he was no longer be back to fractured status.

Kane250 Lvl 2

HP: [98/274]

But losing his goblin form massively decreased his damage that it would take thousands of attacks to take down the monster.

'Fuuckkkk! It will take me until morning to finish this wooden mumbo jumbo! Arrgghhh! Why did I say those cool stuff?! I should've not acted cool in front of them!'

Seeing that he couldn't do anything at all, he spent almost a few minutes trying to lure the monsters to let others escape. However, every time they tried to run, they were being showered by pebbles.

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