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I wake up feeling excited because today is a special day. Today is my birthday—I'm finally turning eighteen. I quickly freshen up and walk downstairs where Mom is making breakfast in the kitchen. I'm sure she's making my favorite. Mom and I don't live in the pack house. We're from the Dark Moon Pack

"Good morning, dear," Mom says as I walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mom," I say, taking a seat on the kitchen stool.

Mom is not my birth mother. My parents died after I was born so I know nothing about them. She's the only parent I have so I still love her like I would my real mother.

"Are you excited to be eighteen today?" she asks, placing a plate of chocolate pancakes in front of me—my favorite.

"Thank you," I say for the breakfast. "Of course, I'm excited to be turning eighteen. If we were humans I could finally leave your house so you couldn't tell me what to do anymore."

"Good thing we're not then," she grins.

"Even if we were, I could never leave you," I say, pulling her in for a hug.

"I love you too, dear," she says, hugging me. A car horn blares from outside. And that would mean my ride is here. I quickly kiss Mom goodbye and walk outside to meet my boyfriend.

"You didn't even touch your breakfast!" Mom says as I'm walking out.

"I'll be late, bye," I say and walk out the door.

"Hello, beautiful," Matt says as I step outside. He's waiting for me by his car.

"Hey, handsome," I say, walking up to him. He pulls me in for a kiss once I get close enough.

"Happy birthday," he says and hands me a box.

"Thank you! What did you get me?" I ask, excited to see what he got. I open it to reveal a pair of diamond hoop earrings.

"Do you like them?"

"I love them, thank you!" I say, pulling him in for a hug.

"You're welcome."

Matt is a human. As a werewolf, dating humans is wrong, but I don't have a choice. Mom's forbidden me from accepting my werewolf mate when I meet him, so I don't have a choice but to have a relationship with a human. It's the choice I have for some companionship and happiness. I don't know why Mom believes I should be with a human rather than my mate. I have tried asking her, but she has never given me a reasonable answer other than it's the only way to keep me safe.

Matt drops me off at school. I go to the local university. Mom would never allow me to travel away from her. If she had her way, she would prefer I don't go to school. She doesn't believe werewolves have a need for an education.

I want to be a reporter. And even though my dream may not come true,  because I am a werewolf, I don't believe the knowledge I'm gaining is useless. Matt doesn't go to college and doesn't plan to. He's from a wealthy human family, so his future is already determined for him.

I kiss Matt goodbye and walk inside to start my day.


"Are you sure you've thought this through?" Chloe asks while she lies down on my bed.

I got back from school a few hours ago. My best friend Chloe and I are getting ready for my birthday party at Matt's house. Mom hates when kids dirty our house, so we're having the party there. His house is also bigger so it's better.

"Yes, I have. We've been dating for two years. It feels right that I give myself to him" I plan to have sex for the first time tonight with Matt. We've been dating since my junior year in high school. He's been so patient with me and never once tried to force me or pressure me to give myself to him.

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