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"Hey (Y/N)! Can I get another round down here?" Shanks called from the other end of the counter. 

Shanks had been a regular at the local pub ever since he docked on your island a week ago. You hadn't taken much notice of him at first, but it very quickly became hard to forget him. He'd flirt with you every now and then, order a great deal of alcohol, get rid of anyone who caused too much trouble in the bar, and even got the creepy old men to stop harassing you. You don't know what happened when he asked them to step outside, but they never showed up ever again.

You picked up the already opened bottle of beer before making your way over to the red-haired man, the strong smell of alcohol being a familiar scent of the bar.

"Thank you, dear." He smiled at you as you refilled his glass.

"You're welcome," You responded, leaning your body against the counter, "This is your last day here right?" You questioned.

"Yes ma'am, my guys and I are leaving in the morning." 

You were gonna miss him when he left, you had grown used to seeing him around, he kept everything peaceful for the most part. Every once in a while he'd end up aggravating someone and they'd brawl in the diner, but he always helped you clean up the mess afterward so you didn't mind too much.

"Where are you planning on going next?" You asked, resting your head in your hand as you looked at the Yonko.

He took a sip before replying, "Dunno, I'm hoping that it'll be as hospitable as this place." 

"You're too kind, "You told him, smiling lightly, "I wish I could travel the world one day, you're lucky y'know."

"What's stopping you?" He asked, awaiting your answer as he gazed up at you.

"Are you joking? I'd get killed if I traveled in the ocean." You explained.

You watched him take another sip of the alcohol, "Join my crew then," He said, once he set the cup down on the table.

"Excuse me!" You heard a customer call from the other side of the counter.

"I'll be back." You told Shanks as you made your way down to serve the buyer.

The bar wasn't as full as it was earlier, most likely due to the fact it was getting closer to closing time. Only a few people stayed sitting somewhere around the place, It was quieter, but the sound of people talking still filled most of the air. 

Joining Shanks's crew. That was an offer you never expected to get. I mean, you couldn't do much, you weren't good at cooking, fighting, or navigating. There wasn't a single skill you had that could help them out on their journey. The only thing you really felt confident enough to do was to create and pour alcohol.

After you made the drink for the guy, he slid the money he owed over to you, and you made your way back over to Shanks.

"So?" He questioned when you were within earshot.

"I don't think I should, I'd be useless." You replied, grabbing a rag to clean up his spilled alcohol. It was always around this time that he'd start getting a bit clumsy.

"You don't have to do anything, the others and I would protect you, it's just so you can explore like you said you always wanted." He explained, picking up his glass so you could wipe the counter underneath it.

"What good would I be if you all had to look after me at all times?" You questioned, refilling his cup again. You still weren't entirely certain of joining a bunch of pirates, with your luck, you'd surely get the group arrested and you didn't want to end up in a prison cell the rest of your life.

"You're presence is good enough." He grinned, downing his 24th cup of alcohol.

His comment made you blush, "Shut up." You said, hitting him with the rag.

"It's true." He claimed, chuckling as he put his hands up in defense. 

"Yeah, whatever, I bet you say that to all the ladies you meet." 

He cracked a smile and winked as he finished what was left in his glass.

You jumped slightly when you heard the clock chime loudly, signaling that it was time to close up. The few people within quickly finished their drinks as they all made their way out to head home or wherever they usually went when they had to leave. 

You turned your attention back to Shanks, "I'll sure miss ya, good luck on your adventures." You told him, "Actually, wait here." You went into the back, quickly grabbing a bottle of wine before walking back out and handing it to the red-haired man. "Take this as a 'thank you' for making my job a little easier this week.

"Oh? Why thank you." He grinned widely as he took the bottle from your hands and examined it. You watched as he got up from his seat, "I bet we'll meet again soon." 

"I hope." You smiled at him as he started to make his way out.

SIghing, you walked out from behind the counter, making sure everyone had left. Once you were certain you were the last one in the building, you started to clean the tables. You never took too long on cleaning, most of the time the tables weren't dirty, but you also wanted to get home as quickly as you could, you never liked walking alone in the dark. 

You're shoulders sunk at the idea of the men coming back tomorrow, seeing as Shanks was leaving they'd be able to bother you again without any interference from the notorious pirate. You swiftly turned out the lights as you left the bar, you took out your keys and locked the place up. Once the door was secure you felt powerful arms wrap around your body as a cloth was pressed against your nose.

"No hard feelings." Shanks muttered into your ear, "I just don't think I could leave this island without you." Your eyes widened in fear as you struggled to get out of the man's grasp. It didn't take long before you passed out due to the chloroform, you lied limply in Shank's arms as he carried you toward his ship, where you would later awake in an unfamiliar location. Don't worry about it too much, at least you were going to be able to see the world now. 

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