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3rd Person POV

The occupants of the Clubroom were silent. Everyone silently wanted it to be a trick. Somehow, their eyes must have gotten it wrong. Maybe Shakespeare was pulling some unknown theatrics. But, slowly and surely, reality sunk in. Only Gilgamesh, bloodied as he was, was left standing. A swath of earth cutting through the ruins of Rias' home was all that was left of (Y/n)'s position.

And in that moment, at least ten hearts threatened to shatter.

"Darling?! DARLING!?" Tamamo no Mae cried out in her pain. She had failed again. Once again, she had lost her husband, the one she swore to devote herself to. The fact that this severance was more his doing did little to comfort the lonely fox girl.

Raynare stood rigid still, her own eyes moist along with Rossweisse. On the inside, seeing the one who had helped built them up annihilated tore them apart on the inside. It was (Y/n)'s that helped Raynare atone for what she had done in the past, even regaining her wings thanks to (Y/n). Rossweisse had proof that she could be wanted and appreciated for who she was. Now their support was gone.

Ravel buried herself in her arms in heaving sobs. She idolized heroes. (Y/n) embodied all that she had wanted. What she did not like to acknowledge was that she found out in the more recent years what often happened to them. Most of their stories ended in pain and tragedy. Here, her love had been no exception. Even as her own heartbreak consumed her, Irina did what she could to comfort Ravel as any Angel would. Irina knew that it was what (Y/n) would want her to do, and do himself. To her, he may have been a Devil, but he had the heart of an Angel.

Kuroka and Koneko embraced each other to console the other sister in their grief. (Y/n) had been responsible for Kuroka's vindication and their subsequent reunion. (Y/n) had proven that strength did not necessarily have to come from a connection to dragons, or from a Sacred Gear for that matter. It was his kindness however that won Kuroka over. Koneko viewed (F/n) as a friend. Moreover, she liked the idea of (Y/n) becoming a brother-in-law. Now it seemed to be a lost cause.

"No...... No! NO! NO! I'LL KILL HIM! YOU'LL PAY YOU HALF-BREED! DO YOU HEAR ME!? YOU WILL PAY!!" Ishtar shrieked in fury, even as tears rolled down her face. This time, her wrath towards Gilgamesh proved to be well earned. She wanted a true relationship based on mutual affection rather than whimsical lust. It took all of Ereshkigal's will to hold her back, even as she was crying herself for the loss of someone who promised to alleviate her loneliness. Sona closed her eyes and bowed her head.

Only Scáthach could truly have any semblance of control over the torrent of emotion the rest of (Y/n)'s significant others felt. Millennia of battle and bringing death in the Land of Shadows had numbed her from many emotions, including grief. Even so, the red eyes of the Warrior Queen of Shadows were moist. A single drop ran down her cheek. It was foreseeing and then watching Cú Chullainn's death all over again. Once again, her beloved pupil met his end in a defiant final stand.

The one undoubtedly in the worst state however was Akeno. In that moment, she had no connection to the real world. Her magenta eyes unfocused and glazed. She could not bring herself to accept it, to accept the loss of another loved one. Not again. Her mind repeatedly cycled through every happy memory with (F/n) in an infinite loop while her physical self remained in a vegetative state.

Rias herself was tear stricken. Issei may have been her lover, but she was honest when she said she saw her peerage as a family. So when (Y/n)'s demise registered, she truly felt as though she had lost a brother. (Y/n) had effectively become another lead figure within the peerage, only deferring to her and Akeno at least before the two got together. Then it was more like equals. Rias had worked practically in sync with him in freeing her from Riser, foiling Kokabiel's plans, rescuing Gasper and so on.

Wrought Iron Devil (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant