"He couldn't take that insult well .... gripping from my wrist he dragged me to that backbuilding. I tried to get out off his hold but he couldn't budge .

His manly strength overpowered my weak appetite .

He Asked other boys to come over ... I-I was F-frightened then , I didn't knew what was awaits ahead ....when he pushed me into an dark unknown room and They awaits at the door steps, furious .. I had known , what comes next won't be good"

" T-They tried too M-mol-est Me ..."

She chocked on the last word , later break down sobbing hard .,

The ultimate news when disclosed ,leave everyone dumbfounded and bewildered

Julie and Ava we're immediate to get by Alison's side ,

Both girl embrased her , while THEY herself had in shocked by relevation .

At the movement , Ava keep her hesitation aside for a while and moving forward to help the poor girl ...

The Only think she saw was her Once bestfriend .... heartbroken , hopeless and victim of such act ..

While both her friends stay by her side , few were still amazed by their friends sudden approach to a stranger girl .

Unknown to them that not only Julie and Ava but Eric and Aaron too had a connection to her

"I-I felt disgusted with their dirty hands and lustful gaze , their touch burn my skin .... At that time I would have preferred to d-Die over having to experiance that sin .. "

As Ali said those words , Aaron's gaze turn to her . He felt tormented ...

He couldn't look at her , .Her paler face was screaming sorrow and agony, that how much she had started to despise what had happened to her but more she felt disgusted to herself ...

Why everytime women in our society has to suffer like this . This has to end somewhere, both men and women should be treated and respected equally ..

If we can respect a woman who brought us into this world and our sister , shouldn't it be our responsibility to do the same with other women's ....

Still society has a long way to learn this ...

He thought ..


Aaron's POV-

Walking over the same corridor , I had something under my shoe ....A Broken pieces of her phone ....

Not only it , Some books , stationary ,even her bag .They still lay scattered over floor when looked closer in dim light .

The same way she had told us, My heart felt heavier with the sight . I can't even imagine what she must have felt Going through all this !!! All alone by herself ..

While putting her things into bag ,one book caught my attention . Perhaps it looked like a diary .

My curiosity got best out of me , I turned the first page but couldn't read anything ,it was still dark.,.But some words were quit visible .

It says 친애하는 아론 ,

i couldn't understand . doesn't it look like japanese or maybe a korean character ?? I thought

"What are you doing here ?" deep voice called ,...

I get up and turned over to owner of the voice ...

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