16) Birthday planning

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Alison pov-

It's been two days since we come back from trip and when I last saw him . Sitting in my bedroom their is nothing much to do . Finally all come back to normal as it always been .

When I came home from school my family were beyond happy and my mom . she literally cried , well I too . It wasn't first time that I was away from them but as I was far away from here and that too in new place so they were little worried . That day mom didn't let me do anything and all I did was rest and eat homemade food . To be honest I really miss them a lot and my mom's handmade food . It's true when they say " no matter wherever we go but a kind of peace and happiness we get in our own home is different " . And I really felt that . When I stepped inside my home and when that homely aura engulfed me I truely felt at peace .

Well to say for now , we got two days leave as we all were tired and from tomorrow we will be joining our school again . I missed my school too.

I am getting board , what should I do ? You were wondering aren't their anyone with me . So no , I am alone at home . Mom and day had already gone to their work early in the morning and as for Matthew , he went to his school . This is how I spend most of my day at home , I spend most of my time alone .

Sometimes it feels good to be alone and now I am get used to it . But you know many times I feel lonely because their is nobody whome I can spend my day , share my feelings . I think it's the main reason why I like in school because my friends were always there with me  . This is how a middle class students life is like and I am sure many of us have experience this atleast once in their life .

No matter how we feel we have to mould ourselves according to situation or at the end situation teaches us .

My room need some cleaning as it is a bit messy , it isn't big but enough for me . I don't have many things in my bedroom but I had organised it very well . I had a middle sized bed near a window and my study table across it and some other stuffs .

I was organising my book shelves . I had a small book shelve of my own . Reading is one of my hobby which no one knows other than my parents . I am a fan of Collen Hoover and i have read many books of her . I have to admit she is a great author and her books really inspires me . This is how I spend my time when I am alone at home .

While cleaning book shelves one thing caught my attention which was placed above it . Looking at that thing a smile make its way on my face , it was umbrella . I held it in my hands and saw it was as same as before . It was that same umbrella which he had given me years ago . I am isn't much fan of cleanliness but that never Stop me from keeping it clean . I have always keep this umbrella clean and safe . And why wouldn't I it's the only thing as a reminder of him .

When I am looking at this umbrella in my hand , once again memories of that day make its way in my mind . That same blue colour of it never fade and his hand written sentence is still on it . And not to forgot that smiley face it always makes me happy . I have never used it before after that day , maybe I was afraid that It will get torn or maybe get lost , whatever it is .

Isn't it will all do atleast once in our life . Whenever we get anything related to that special person , we keep that thing safe and close to our heart . Well it depends from person to person .

Once again I placed it above the  shelf and and one  thought cross my mind  " would he ever think about his umbrella ? ", afterall it was his .I wonder

It's been few months since our academic year started but still we aren't even on talking terms . W- we barely talk and will we ever be friends ? . How ironic it is we are in same school , same class , we even attend some lectures together but still we barely talk or even see eachother . Physically we are near but why it feels like we are far away from eachother and this thought never fails to pain my heart .

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