1) First day of college

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Alison Summer -

Sitting near my rooms windows I am seeing how moon is shining and spreading its glorious light . Like it wants to say that I am here for u . Nights had always fascinated me more than day can ever be ...

Oh I forgot to introduce myself . I am Alison Summer living with my father and mother along with my little 8 year old brother. Currently I am 18 years old .

You will be wondering this age difference . It's because we didn't share same blood but we love him more than our lives .

one day my father was returning from work and he heard a voice of crying someone on his way . So he looked everywhere and then under a tree there he saw a baby on bench . My father search for someone related to baby but didn't found anyone. He can't let that baby stay there so he bought him in our home . That was how my little brother came in our lives.

Sometimes I feel bad for him . How can a parents abondant their own baby ,their own blood and flesh that too on late at night under a tree.

Cool breeze is touching my cheek giving chill down my spine . It's midnight and not a single sound can be heard as everyone are asleep but here i am awake like an owl .And only sound of wind roaring can be heard .

We aren't rich but not poor either .
We have our small home in newyork city . It's getting really late I should go to sleep now as I have get up early tomorrow....


Tring....Tring ...
Ugh ! This annoying sound of my alarm . It's getting on my nerves now . Actually I am not much of morning person but I love seeing sunrise . I went to washroom and done my business . After that I have to get ready for my school.


After getting freshen up I get ready for school . I love going to school and I wanted to study hard to give a better life to my family .

" Good morning mom" I said to mom who is busy making breakfast for us .

My mom works in small bakery shop near our house . Even though she has to go early she never fails do her responsibility .she get early before sun rise as to cook food for us and to do home chores ...

"Good morning sweety " she said .
"Come , first eat your breakfast . U should eat much , see u r losing so much weight "

It's true , I have lost some weight but it's not my main concern . My mom she seems really weak and she is not taking care of herself . She really work very hard and this inspires me to never give up .

" Has dad already gone mom ?" I asked .
My father work in well known library . He has to go early as to open it .
It didn't pay much but we get to manage our daily lives .

" Yes , Robert went just few minutes ago " mom replied. Mom call dad by his name.

" I am going to wake Mathew up" Mathew my little brother , he is really sweet boy .

" Ok mom " I said .
I finished my breakfast nd now I should get going. It's 7 : 45 and my school is at 8 am so let's hurry .

" Mom I am going to school , bye " I informed.

" Bye and take care " mom replied
It's my daily routine


I am on my way to school . I prefer to walk as it's not so far from our home .
Many rich people's child study in my school or should I say only rich students study their .

I get a scholarship on which I survived to study in my school . Even though school authorities treat every student equally but most students don't.

This spoon feeded rich students can never understand that their are many student who are struggling to even get food .

Anyways i am not saying that all are same but many are like that .

I have always dreamed to study in order to earn sufficient amount of money so that my parents didn't have to struggles for every little thing.

My father once said ," No matter from what situation we r going through we shouldn't let it affect our mind and always keep hoping " so I hope one day my dream will come true.

My both parents want me to study hard and became an independent women who will able to fulfill her dreams . They both are my pride just like I am their .


When I reached school Students were starting to come one by one as its little early . I began my way inside the entrance .

I can see Students chattering and bickering everywhere and some heading towards their respective classrooms .

Being Shy and introverted I am ,.. making friends is one big deal ...

I was heading towards my calc lecture when I heard someone say

" yeh , he just looks awesome "

"I think he is new , I never saw him before " another girl said

It isn't new here ,most of the girl here are like this . I wasn't interested in boys or any sort of relationship and same goes this year too.

" I think he is transferred student "

" Yeah ,But I heard he is from different school of our city and he is good in sports also "

Who is this guy everybody is talking about? I thought . I looked at the clock which was hanged on wall .

Ooh god lecture is going to start soon and I don't want to late on first day .


I entered my classroom and take my seat . My classmates are coming and taking their seats too .

" Hii Ali " my frnd Rena chirpped loudly .

She is really loving and bubbly girl and always supports me .

" Hii, how have u been ?"

" I am good as always , what about u ? She replied

"Hey guys , good morning " Here comes my second frnd Julie .

She is kind and matured girl . She is really confident and sometimes I wish to be like her .

" Morning "
" Good morning " we replied .

We are trio but I am little close to Julie . She can well understand me , and Rena she really brighten our day with her stupid jokes and assumptions .

She can be really annoying sometimes , that's why Rena and Julie always fights , not in bad way but good way .

This is the only lecture we will be attending together , I love calc .
It's my favorite subject.

I wish this year too flow smoothly without any trouble .

I wasn't aware that this is the only starting that , from now on my life is going to turn ups and down and many emotional turmoils are going to take place.

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