Our third child is Thomas, who I also gave birth to, ten years ago. He also takes after my looks with his curly, black hair. His personality also follows around me with his extrovertedness and joyfulness. He makes quite a lot of friends easily but he also has his cousins. His birth was the easiest of all my children which was quite nice. He is also very studious and likes to train but is not the best at his workouts. He is quite a mama's boy to me since he usually hangs around me and watches all my favorite movies with me.

Our next two are the evil nine year old twins, Peter and Nicki. I also gave birth to them but it was quite painful since they are twins. They have all the looks of Sky with their blonde hair but carry my curls. When they were born, the doctor had told us about twins as werewolves. There is more of a bond between them and one they will have more deeply with each other than to their other siblings. They also will have different mates which is something I asked about but they will always have a more personal connection to each other as well. I asked Sky about it and she told me they were rare but twins are especially important because they train and hunt together. They share a more powerful mind link and they can tell how the other one feels, which I thought was wickedly cool. But for my dear mind sake, they can only get along half the time. Other than that, it is rampage fighting which Sky and I hope will grow out as they grow older.

Our youngest sitting with me across the room is Carlos. His pregnancy really took quite a scare to us and a toll on Sky since she was carrying him. His birth was premature because he was not getting the nutrients he needed. Sky would put her hand on her stomach constantly because she claimed that she could feel her pup more. It was a werewolf thing apparently. She could sense something was wrong with him a couple of months before his birth and he had to be birthed a month earlier than planned. It was quite painful for Sky and himself and he had to be placed in intensive care which worried Sky and I deeply about the thought of losing our pup. But as the months passed on we also noticed something else. The doctor had told us that Carlos was born with congenital hearing loss meaning he was deaf when he was born. But Carlos was also born with a better sight and smell sense than other wolves. He could smell stuff that even his older siblings could not. His deafness did not hold him back because the doctor had said that when he transforms into his wolf when he turns a teenager, his wolf has the ability to heal but not Carlos himself. His hearing loss never leaves him behind. Carlos continues to be the highest in his class through his first years of training and is able to go up against Thomas, Peter, and Nicki. Carlos uses his mind link ability to talk with everyone but from what Sky tells me, he rarely talks and takes more after her and Hana, silent but observant and powerful. Since he can not talk to me through the mind link, I point and touch certain objects so we can talk which he understands quickly and is happy to have a way to communicate with me.

Even though he may not talk with others, I see him talking to his wolf a lot by facial expressions. Being deaf, his wolf and him have a closer connection because they rely on each other more which is what the doctor said. He reads a lot like his mother and his older sister Hana but I do get an equal amount of time with him to myself. He has been able to pick up on basic words though through my mouth movements so basic formalities he can understand.

Carlos suddenly looks up towards me and points towards the stairs. I turn over to hear the faintest of footsteps. Seconds later, he jumps off the couch and into Sky's arms.

"Hi sweetie," Sky smiles as she gives our son a big kiss on the forehead. He giggles lightly and pats her shoulder once to signal he wants to be let down which is weird because he used to use his mind link for communication but has been doing more hand stuff lately. Sky thinks it's because he thinks it's unfair that I don't have the mind link and wants me to feel inclusive which I absolutely adore.

"Hi sweetie number two," I giggle as Sky gives me a kiss on my cheek and sits down next to me.

"What are the dinner plans for tonight?" She asks and I go to pull up the recipe on my computer.

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